Data from a poll done six months after the start of the pandemic were called "nothing short of stunning" as they revealed dramatic misunderstandings of the risk of dying from COVID-19, which "sadly, comes as no surprise"
Evidence suggests the number who misunderstand the risks from COVID-19 have not demonstrably changed in the past seven months; based on data from a small CNN poll, from 40% to 53.2% believe the infection is a broad risk for the population
The two identified culprits behind misunderstanding the basic facts were information on social media and partisan bias; yet, since social media posts are highly censored, it isn't likely "misinformation" that is driving misunderstandings
The first poll called the misinformation "blinded from science," which may have been driven by inconsistent statements from the same experts during a single interview. It is important to seek out verifiable news and independent research
Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola
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