Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Food Compass stimulating junk food

The Food Compass, unveiled in 2021, claims to be a science-based tool to rank the healthfulness of foods, but actually promotes ultraprocessed junk

Its lead author, Dariush Mozaffarian, dean of the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, has close ties to the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum (WEF), while Tufts receives funding from junk food corporations

Independent journalist Nina Teicholz has illustrated the shortcomings in the Food Compass, showing how even potato chips, corn chips and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups score higher than eggs, cheese and ground beef

A critique of the Food Compass proposed that its algorithm produces “results that fail to discriminate for common shortfall nutrients, exaggerate the risks associated with animal-source foods, and underestimate the risks associated with ultraprocessed foods

The Food Compass’ emphasis on ultraprocessed junk continues with a clear favor for fake food over real food

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Improving mitochondrial health

Mitochondrial dysfunction is at the root of most all chronic diseases, and it also plays a crucial role in conditions such as long COVID, which is becoming quite common. It’s also a root factor that must be addressed in COVID jab injuries, regardless of symptoms or severity

One of the most foundational lifestyle components that can make or break your mitochondrial health is electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. To allow your body to heal, you’ll want to minimize EMF exposure as much as possible

The cristae of the inner membrane of the mitochondria contains a fat called cardiolipin, the function of which is dependent on the type of fat you get from your diet. Cardiolipin is important because, if cardiolipin is damaged, mitochondrial energy production will be impaired. The most damaging fat is omega-6 linoleic acid, found in seed oils 

Another major culprit that destroys mitochondrial function is excess iron, and almost everyone has too much iron. Copper is also important for energy metabolism, detoxification and mitochondrial function, and copper deficiency is common. Copper is also required for proper iron recycling, and low ferritin is typically a sign of copper insufficiency

Other strategies reviewed include sun exposure and near-infrared light therapy, time-restricted eating (fasting), NAD+ optimizers and methylene blue, which can be a valuable rescue remedy

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Monday, February 27, 2023

The unique health benefits of vitamin E

Vitamin E is fat-soluble and comes in eight chemical forms; alpha-tocopherol is the most studied of them and according to the NIH, the only one that meets human requirements

Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that has photoprotective properties and helps prevent some cancers. A 2022 paper concludes vitamin E may help enhance cancer immunotherapy by reinvigorating dendritic cells critical to an immune response 

Maintaining optimal levels may help lower systolic blood pressure and diastolic pressure to a lesser degree. Vitamin E insufficiency is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events

Vitamin E may help fertility, demonstrates neuroprotective properties and in combination with vitamin D, vitamin E helps lower symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

While you won’t overdose on vitamin E-rich foods because it’s a fat-soluble vitamin and is stored in fat cells, you can overdose with supplements. This can trigger adverse side effects, including inhibition of platelet aggregation and bleeding

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Sauna & exercise help the heart

Sauna bathing can be used as an exercise mimetic (i.e., an exercise-mimicking tool) to increase your longevity and health span. Men using Finnish-style, dry heat sauna seven times per week cut their risk of death from fatal heart problems in half, compared to those who used it only once a week

Compared to once-a-week sauna use, those who have four to seven sessions per week have a 61% lower risk for stroke. Heat stress from sauna bathing has also been shown to lower your risk of high blood pressure

Heat stresses your heart and body similar to that of exercise, and produces many of the same results. As your body is subjected to heat stress, it gradually becomes acclimated to the heat, prompting a number of beneficial changes and adaptations

Recent research has demonstrated that sauna bathing also helps modulate your autonomic nervous system, which governs your stress responses

Many of the life extending benefits of sauna bathing are related to the workings of heat shock proteins, which protect protein structures and prevent protein aggregation

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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sharp increase of ADHD

One survey found a 26.5% increase in diagnoses of attention de¦cit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adults during the pandemic lockdown; additionally, 22% of adults and 17% of children took medication for ADHD for the ¦rst time increasing demand for Adderall, a medication used to treat ADHD, has led to shortages.

The FDA and DEA limit how much medication can be produced based on historical data, which has led to shortages based on demand and not disruptions in the supply

During lockdowns, dietary pattern changes included increases in snack frequency, a preference for sweet and ultraprocessed foods and an increase in alcohol consumption. Yet, the No. 1 dietary rule to reduce symptoms of ADHD is to stop sugar spikes 

A randomized, double-blind study showed saffron can reduce ADHD symptoms. Reports from social media suggest brown noise can help improve focus and productivity, which should be practiced with safe listening habits to lower the risk of hearing loss

Exercise can improve cognitive function and executive control. Dietary modifications can reduce symptoms, such as avoiding sugar and refined carbohydrates, promoting a healthy gut microbiome and avoiding food additives and genetically engineered ingredients

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Voedingsmiddelen voor een gezonde lever

De lever verwerkt vrijwel alles wat u eet, drinkt, inademt of op uw huid wrijft. Het heeft meer dan 500 verschillende vitale functies. De lever filtert schadelijke toxines, weert infecties af en reguleert hormonen etc.

Slechte levensstijl en eetgewoonten zijn slecht voor de lever. Enkele van de meest voorkomende leveraandoeningen zijn cirrose, hepatitis, leverkanker, leververvetting, alcoholische leverziekte en medicatie toxiciteit. Leveraandoeningen leiden tot vele gezondheidsproblemen zoals obesitas en hartziekten.

Junk food vs gezonde voeding

Hoewel het immuunsysteem ons lichaam beschermt tegen vele gevaren, is het de lever die het immuunsysteem beschermt tegen overbelasting. Een gezonde levensstijl met lichaamsbeweging, geen alcoholgebruik, minder blootstelling aan giftige stoffen en het vermijden van bewerkte voedingsmiddelen bevorderen de lever. Daarnaast zijn er ook voedingsmiddelen die de lever ondersteunen:

1. Donkere bladgroenten zoals boerenkool, spinazie en boerenkool zitten boordevol waardevolle antioxidanten, flavonoïden, vitamine C en carotenoïden die essentieel zijn voor het behoud van een gezonde lever. Deze groenten kunnen  metalen, pesticiden en chemicaliën die aanwezig zijn in het voedsel neutraliseren, en hiermee ook de lever beschermen.

2. Broccoli. Kruisbloemige groenten zoals broccoli en spruitjes verminderen de vetopname en verhogen de lipide productie. Deze groenten verhogen ook de productie van spijsverteringsenzymen.

3. Bieten en wortelen bevatten zeer veel plantaardige-flavonoïden en beta-caroteen. Deze stoffen zijn goed voor de lever.

4. Bosbessen bevatten de hoogste hoeveelheden flavonoïden en anthocyanen,  beide krachtige anti-inflammatoire verbindingen.

5. Citrusvruchten zoals citroenen en grapefruit bevatten veel vitamine C en anti-oxidanten. Grapefruit helpt de lever kankerverwekkende en giftige stoffen te elimineren, terwijl citroenen de spijsvertering ondersteunt.

6. Knoflook heeft antibacteriële, antioxidatieve, antivirale en anti-schimmel eigenschappen die belangrijk zijn voor de lever. Knoflook remt ontstekingen en activeert enzymen, die toxines elimineren. Knoflook zit ook vol met allicine en selenium, die de lever reinigen.

7. Ananas bevat anti-inflammatoire spijsverteringsenzymen die het voedselmetabolisme versnellen. De vrucht is rijk aan magnesium, vitamine C, vitamine B1 en kalium.

8. Kurkuma is rijk aan curcuminoïden. Curcuminoïden verlichten ontstekingen en geven de nieren, de lever en de gal productie een boost om de spijsvertering te verbeteren. Het bevordert ook de vet stofwisseling en is een natuurlijke lever detox.

9. Groene thee heeft antioxidatieve eigenschappen. Het voorkomt vet opstapeling in het lichaam. Groene thee bevat catechines, die de leverfuncties verbeteren.

10. Olijfolie. Koudgeperste biologische  oliën zoals olijfolie, hennep- en lijnzaadolie zijn, bij gebruik met mate, geweldig voor de lever. Dankzij de lipide basis kunnen ze schadelijke toxines in het lichaam absorberen en hiermee de lever ontlasten.

11. Appels zijn rijk aan pectine en bevatten chemische bestanddelen die nodig zijn om het lichaam te reinigen en gifstoffen uit het spijsverteringskanaal te verwijderen. Daardoor kan de lever makkelijker de resterende giftstoffen elimineren.

12. Avocado's stimuleren de productie van glutathion, een ​​essentiële antioxidant die de lever helpt potentieel schadelijke stoffen te filteren.

13. Walnoten bevatten veel glutathion en omega-3 vetzuren (nuttig voor het reinigingsproces).

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Finally; Amalgam warnings

September 24, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released its long-overdue safety communication on amalgam

The FDA warns mercury fillings may adversely affect people in certain high-risk groups and should be avoided

Groups identified as being at increased risk for harmful effects from dental mercury fillings include pregnant women and their developing fetuses, nursing women, women who are planning to become pregnant, infants and children under the age of 6, people with neurological diseases, impaired kidney function or heightened sensitivity to mercury or other amalgam components 

After years of pressure from Consumers for Dental Choice and its allies, the FDA finally agreed to reopen the amalgam issue, and now admits dental amalgam releases mercury vapor that can cause health problems in some individuals

The FDA also advised against use of the misleading term “silver fillings, ” and urges patients to discuss all dental filling options with their dentist

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Autopsies prove vaccine dangers

When the COVID shots were first introduced, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made several claims about them that have since been proven completely false, including the claim that the mRNA would remain in the injection site, and that both the mRNA and resulting spike protein would rapidly be eliminated from your body

The mRNA goes everywhere and can remain intact for a month of more. Ditto for the spike protein your cells produce

Spike protein has been found in the brains of people with encephalitis (brain inflammation) and in jab-induced shingles lesions. Both mRNA and spike protein have been found in lymph nodes more than 60 days post-jab. Full-length mRNA has also been shown to circulate in people’s blood for up to 28 days post-injection, and it’s been detected in breastmilk

Research shows the primary difference between those who developed symptoms of myocarditis and those who didn’t was that symptomatic patients had markedly elevated levels of full-length spike protein unbound by antibodies in their plasma. Those who remained asymptomatic had no free spike protein in their blood. This would suggest that free-floating spike protein is a problem

Autopsies of two teenage boys found dead in their beds three and four days after their second dose of Pfizer concluded jab-induced heart damage was to blame. The myocarditis described in these instances did not have the typical histopathology of myocarditis. Instead, both cases resemble catecholamine-induced injury, similar to the cytokine storm experienced in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection

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Friday, February 24, 2023

Fish oil products synthetic?

A chemical process leaves many fish oil supplements lacking in actual EPA and DHAomega-3s

Trans-esterification transforms most fish oil into a synthetic product that’s far removed from the natural fish oil you’d get when eating sardines or other fatty fish

A class-action lawsuit ¦led against The Bountiful Company and its subsidiary Nature’s Bounty alleges consumers are being misled, as the supplements contain “not a single milligram” of the omega-3 fats found in fish

In fish, DHA and EPA occur in the form of triglycerides, which are the most bioavailable; in most fish oil supplements, the omega-3 fats are in ethyl ester form

Ideally, consume omega-3 fats by eating fatty, cold-water fish such as wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel and herring; if you choose to use a supplement, krill oil provides a superior alternative to fish oil

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Ultraprocessed foods are deadly

In the most comprehensive assessment to date, ultraprocessed foods were associated with an increased risk of developing and dying from cancer

Consuming more ultraprocessed foods was linked with a greater risk of developing any cancer, as well as ovarian and brain cancers specifically

Consumption of ultraprocessed food was also associated with an increased risk of dying from cancer, including ovarian and breast cancers 

Each 10% increase in ultraprocessed food consumption was associated with a 6% increase in risk of cancer mortality overall, along with a 16% increase in risk of breast cancer mortality and 30% for ovarian cancer mortality

The health risks of ultraprocessed foods are concerning enough that one researcher called for warning labels to be added to their packaging so consumers can make informed dietary decisions

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Thursday, February 23, 2023

A fake world

Documentary filmmaker and BBC journalist Adam Curtis has developed a cult following for his eccentric films that combine BBC archival footage into artistic montages combined with dark narratives; his latest film, HyperNormalisation, came out in 2016

HyperNormalisation tells the story of how politicians, financiers and “technological utopians” constructed a fake world over the last four decades in an attempt to maintain power and control

Their fake world is simpler than the real world by design, and as a result people went along with it because the simplicity was reassuring

The film takes viewers on a timeline of recent history that appears as though you’re seeing bits and pieces of a scrapbook, but which ultimately support the larger message that the world is being controlled by a powerful few while the rest of us are willing puppets in the play

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Did Sweden Get COVID Right?

While most other countries instituted stay-at-home orders and shuttered schools and businesses, Sweden did not

While high schools and universities closed and gatherings of more than 50 people were banned, elementary and middle schools, shops and restaurants have remained open in Sweden during the pandemic

Evidence suggests Sweden may be at or nearing the herd immunity threshold, which occurs when the number of people susceptible is low enough to prevent epidemic growth

Stanford’s Nobel-laureate Michael Levitt is among those in support of Sweden’s lighter restrictions; Levitt successfully predicted the trajectory of COVID-19 deaths in China and has stated that the pandemic would not be as dire as many have predicted

Scientists from France found there was no significant transmission of COVID-19 in primary schools, either among the students or from students to teachers

Sweden continues to stand by their handling of the pandemic, despite heavy criticism; the country’s state epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, even described the rest of the world’s lockdowns as “madness",  considering the steep side effects they ultimately cause

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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Importance of B Vitamins

B vitamins are a group of eight micronutrients that are not related to each other and play a significant role in maintaining optimal health. They are found in a variety of foods, but certain health factors may increase your body's requirement

B vitamins are pivotal to regulating the immune system and helping to prevent a dangerous cytokine storm during a COVID-19 infection. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) plays an important role in this process and niacin is a building block of NAD

They are also neuroprotective, playing a role in lowering depression and anxiety, lowering the potential risk of vincristine-induced peripheral neuropathy associated with chemotherapy agents and potentially playing a role in nerve regeneration by supporting cell structures

Review this list of foods containing the B vitamins and consider limiting sugar and eating fermented foods to increase your production and absorption of the B vitamins in a healthy gut

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Lockdowns, social distancing, school and business closures, universal mask wearing, use of face shields and plastic barriers, travel restrictions, the use of PCR tests to diagnose infection, the choice of treatments and the safety and effectiveness of the COVID jabs — all of these countermeasures were based on a combination of lies, fraud and/or willful ignorance

Universal lockdowns have never before been used as a pandemic prevention measure, and for good reason. It doesn’t work. To prevent spread of infection, you isolate those who are actually sick. Healthy people cannot spread infection, so there’s no reason to isolate them

An August 2020 analysis of COVID-19 surveillance data from the top 50 countries in terms of reported cases also concluded that border closures, lockdowns and wide- spread testing had no impact on COVID-19 mortality per million people. Another paper published in 2021 found lockdowns were actually associated with increases in excess mortality 

The absence of evidence to support mask wearing for infection control was confirmed from the very beginning by the same agencies and organizations that ended up recommending and/or mandating universal mask wearing

To avoid making the same mistakes in future pandemics, medical crises must not be managed by means of emergency powers. Emergency powers should be used only in case of war

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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Regenerative Agriculture

The challenge facing most farmers today is that conventional agriculture has decimated the topsoil with tilling and synthetic fertilizers, which disrupt and destroy the microbial life necessary to grow nutrient-dense food

Mycorrhizal fungi grow in healthy soils and are responsible for nutrient transfers between plants and soil biology. The most critical thing in a plant’s life is its relationship with mycorrhizal fungi, which is why tillage and synthetic chemicals should be avoided

The 5 basic principles for building a healthy soil ecosystem are: not disturbing the soil microbiome, protecting the soil surface with cover crops, diversification, maintaining living roots in the ground as long as possible and integrating livestock and insects

For change to occur, farmers must decide they want to change, and consumers must demand nutrient-dense foods produced in a regenerative manner that benefits the ecosystem as a whole

The farm program keeps farmers trapped in the conventional model, which destroys soil — an essential resource — and locks them into a monocrop system with dwindling financial returns

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Vaping harming the young

A June 2020 study reported that national smoking rates inversely correlated with COVID-19 mortality. In countries with hot weather, each percentage point increase in smoking rate was associated with a 0.147 per 100,000 population decrease in mortality

A systematic review and meta-analysis of 22 studies, however, found smoking modestly increased the risk of more severe symptoms among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, especially among younger nondiabetic patients

A September 2020 review found patients with a history of smoking (either current or former) had, on average, a 91% higher odds ratio of suffering more severe COVID-19 illness than patients who had never smoked

Teens and young adults who smoked conventional and/or e-cigarettes were 2.6 to nine times more likely to test positive for SARS-CoV-2. Those who vaped were also 5 times more likely to exhibit COVID-19-related symptoms and receive a COVID-19 diagnosis than nonusers

Recent research shows nicotine increases ACE2 expression in bronchial epithelial cells

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Monday, February 20, 2023

Eye drops creating antibiotic-resistant infections

January 20, 2023, the CDC announced an investigation into a multistate cluster of infections from May 17, 2022, to January 19, 2023, caused by Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa associated with artificial tears

The infection was identified in 50 patients across 11 states, causing one death and at least three people to go blind in one eye

So far, 51 DNA markers that appear to influence sleep have been found, including Antibiotic resistance has been rising since the discovery of penicillin and now contributes to 4.95 million deaths worldwide each year; without change, consumption of antibiotics is estimated to increase by 200% by 2030

Dry eye can be temporary from environmental factors like dry air or exposure to smoke, or it can be chronic. Data show optimizing vitamin D and omega-3 levels and using curcumin can all help ameliorate the symptoms of dry eye

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Sleeping time

Our modern lifestyle, which glamorizes constant internet connectivity and round-the-clock activity, conspires to keep us awake far longer than is healthy

The standard recommendation for adults is to get seven to eight hours of sleep per night. Teenagers need around nine hours, while younger school-age children may need upward of 11 hours

Healthy sleep consists of 5 general stages, each stage lasting 5 to 15 minutes, with a complete cycle (light, deep and REM sleep) taking between 90 and 120 minutes. You cycle through these stages four to six times each night, and this cycling is tremendously important, from both a biological and psychological perspective

So far, 51 DNA markers that appear to influence sleep have been found, including markers for long and short sleep duration, morning and evening personalities, insomnia, and high or low sleep efficiency

Sleep deprivation has a number of concerning health ramifications, including the promotion of diabetes, excess weight, heart disease, cancer and cognitive decline, just to name a few

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Sunday, February 19, 2023

Hearing loss a growing problem

Unsafe listening practices in young people using personal listening devices (earbuds) and attending loud venues increase their risk of hearing loss, which one study estimates will affect 1 billion 12- to 34-year-olds worldwide

The effects of noise pollution do not stop at hearing loss; heart attack, stroke, reduced cognitive function, stress and early death are also possible. Not only that, hearing loss increases the risk of depression and dementia

Wireless earbuds increase the risk of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) or nonionizing radiation, which 250 scientists worldwide have petitioned the United Nations to address, as it is associated with genetic damage, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders and cellular stress

You can protect your hearing and lower your EMF exposure by avoiding Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices, using a battery-powered alarm clock, switching to a steam convection oven from a microwave and avoiding "smart" devices such as appliances, thermostats and TVs

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Egg shortages artificial?

Egg prices have more than doubled compared to what they were a year ago, with a median cost of $4.25 for a dozen

As of January 2023, more than 58 million birds in 47 states have been killed due to avian flu outbreaks

The egg shortage began amidst a series of mysterious fires and other disasters at U.S. food processors 

Some farmers have stated chicken feed made by Purina may have been altered to contain lower amounts of protein and minerals, leaving chickens unable to lay eggs

A report from the Rockefeller Foundation, released in July 2020 and predicting a coming food crisis, calls for the creation of a centralized “nutrition security system”

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Saturday, February 18, 2023

Road salt does more harm than good

In the U.S., 20 million tons of salt are used for highway deicing annually

Chloride does not break down in water, so once it enters waterways and groundwater it becomes a “permanent pollutant, ” putting freshwater ecosystems at risk

Chloride concentrations related to road salt increased in 84% of U.S. streams tested

Freshwater ecosystems are becoming salinated, leading to decreased biodiversity of aquatic animals and plants

In Minnesota’s Twin Cities metro area, 27% of wells monitored in the area’s shallow aquifers had chloride levels that exceeded the EPA drinking water guidelines

Using best management practices, such as proper storage, anti-icing, pre-wetting and storm-speci¦c applications may help reduce road salt usage

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Fighting COVID-19 with junk food bans

Underlying health conditions like obesity, heart disease and diabetes have emerged as key factors in COVID-19 severity and fatalities. Obesity doubles your risk of being hospitalized for COVID-19 and raises your risk of death anywhere from 3.68 times to 12 times depending on your level of obesity

More than a dozen states in Mexico have decided to combat the pandemic by banning the sale of junk food to minors

Two-thirds of Mexicans who died from COVID-19 related complications had underlying medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular problems. Officials say dietary changes are necessary to protect youth from developing comorbidities that increase COVID-19 severity and risk of death 

Research shows that among 18- to 49-year-olds hospitalized due to COVID-19, obesity is the most prevalent underlying condition. Processed foods, junk foods and soft drinks are key culprits in the development of obesity

In Huntington, New York, town officials have urged residents to “go on a diet because [with] COVID-19, you’re twice as likely to have a poor outcome if you’re obese. ” The U.K. has also vowed to target obesity as part of the country’s coronavirus prevention strategy by restricting junk food ads

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Friday, February 17, 2023

Vegetarian Food & Pregnancy

Heart & Soil, a company founded by Dr. Paul Saladino to help people return to the way our ancestors ate, produced a 20-minute video discussing the health bene¦ts of eating an animal-based diet when women are pregnant or want to become pregnant

Returning to the nutritional roots of eating fewer carbohydrates, no processed foods and an animal-based diet can help mitigate the effects of environmental toxins, such as ubiquitous plasticizers, are the core components of Heart & Soil

Data show that infertility rates have been rising for decades in what Shanna Swan, Ph.D., calls "the 1% effect, " describing declining sperm count, testosterone and fertility and rising testicular cancer and miscarriage — all at about 1% per year 

It is crucial to note that fake meat is not meat but ultraprocessed food with genetically engineered components; the industry claims it has a smaller carbon footprint than CAFO meat, but exchanging one broken system for another is not the answer

Ultraprocessed foods are high in toxic chemicals, lack nutrition and are high in carbohydrates, all of which negatively impact pregnancy outcomes. They also contain linoleic acid that damages insulin sensitivity and produces heart disease, dementia and obesity

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Social Credit System determining lives?

China started rolling out a social credit system in 2018, which awards and subtracts points for certain types of behavior

Google is the largest monopoly the world has ever seen, and its data-siphoning tentacles reach deep into our everyday lives, collecting data on every move you make and conversation you have, whether online or in the real world

By the end of 2021, approximately 1 billion cameras will be watching public movements across the globe. Cities are also inviting residents and businesses to plug their private surveillance cameras into their police network, which expands the surveillance system even further

To make sense of all this footage, video analytic software and arti¦cial intelligence are used. Video analytic capabilities include ¦ght and fall detection, loitering and motion recognition, dog walking, jaywalking, toll fare evasion and lie detection

There are now proposals suggesting all of this data, in combination with AI-enabled analytics systems, could be used for “predictive policing” as illustrated in the 2002 movie “Minority Report, ” where suspected perpetrators are arrested before actually committing the crime

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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Fitness tips

Sam Calavitta, aka Coach Cal, founder of The Treigning Lab, has put together much of the health science I've been teaching over the years into a unique training program that is getting extraordinary results

The most central strategies are those that optimize ATP production (energy production) and mitochondrial function

ATP (the energy currency of your cells) can be produced in three ways: aerobically in the mitochondria, anaerobically in the cytosol, or through phosphocreatine. Of these, the phosphocreatine pathway is the most effective in terms of boosting athletic performance, as it allows your body to use D-ribose, adenosine and phosphate to form ATP within your body at a higher level. Near-infrared light also boosts ATP production 

Mitochondrial function must also be optimized, or energy production cannot be elevated. Effective strategies include near-infrared sauna therapy and intermittent fasting

Other strategies that help optimize fitness and athletic performance include sun exposure, boosting NAD+ with low-dose niacinamide, a cyclical ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating, addressing elevated iron levels, methylene blue and molecular hydrogen

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Molecular Hydrogen helps Immune System

Molecular hydrogen (H2 gas) has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, making it potentially useful for COVID-19

Being the smallest molecule in the universe and having no polar charge, the hydrogen molecule is also able to diffuse through all cell membranes and subcellular compartments, including the nucleus and the mitochondria. It doesn’t need any transporters to do this, so it’s exceptionally bioavailable

Several Chinese investigators are using H2 therapy in COVID-19 patients, and preliminary results are encouraging

Tyler W. LeBaron, founder of the Molecular Hydrogen Institute, explains the pathophysiology of COVID-19, and the rationale for why H2 is being clinically investigated and recommended by prominent doctors and organizations for COVID-19

It’s important to pulse or create an acute elevation of H2 in your system over a short period rather than having continuous exposure. That acute elevation is what activates the Nrf2 pathway that upregulates your endogenous antioxidants

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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Fasting for metabolic fitness and hormone balance

The vast majority of people eat across 12 hours or more, which is a recipe for metabolic disaster. Health statistics bear this out, showing that 93.2% of Americans are metabolically unfit

Time-restricted eating (TRE) is one of the most foundational strategies to stay healthy, and when done appropriately can also help balance your sex hormones

Your body has two primary energy systems. One of them is activated when you eat. When your blood sugar goes up, your body uses that glucose for energy. When you don’t eat for a period of time, your blood sugar goes down, which switches when your body is metabolically flexible to a different energy system that uses ketones derived from fat instead of glucose

These energy systems are intimately tied to your circadian rhythm. Food is the most important regulator for the clocks inside your cells. If you don’t get your feeding times right, your circadian rhythms, which are responsible for turning cellular protein production on and off, will become seriously impaired

Three key rules of TRE are: Your eating window should be shorter than 12 hours; avoid eating first thing in the morning — wait at least two or three hours; avoid eating right before bed. Have your last meal at least three hours or more before bedtime. With those rules in mind, your eating window could be anywhere from two to 10 hours, tailored to your unique circumstances

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Is CBDC the mark of the beast?

In 2023, 11 countries have fully launched a digital currency while more than 20 more will move toward starting one

114 countries, which represent more than 95% of global GDP , are looking into CBDC — up from just 35 countries in 2020

Finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts details 10 practical steps individuals can take to stop implementation of CBDCs

Tips include using cash as much as possible and minimizing your use of digital systems, including avoiding biometric technology and QR codes

Doing business with local people and entities you know and trust, and ditching large,multinational banks in favor of trustworthy local banks or credit unions will also help

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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Fluoride affects brain & disrupts sleep

More than 400 animal and human studies show §uoride is a neurotoxic substance, and many have found harm at, or precariously close to, the levels millions of American pregnant women and children receive

A 1 mg-per-day increase in the fluoride a mother gets from drinking water may lower the IQ of her child by 3.7 points

Infants fed baby formula made with fluoridated water have lower IQs than those fed formula made with unfluoridated water. An increase of 0.5 mg/L of §uoride corresponds with a 4.4 point lower IQ score at age 3 to 4

Fluoride may have an adverse impact on sleep by preferentially accumulating in the pineal gland, thereby inhibiting the production of melatonin

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Vaccines Increase Mortality

The improved measles vaccine rolled out in Africa in 1989 was found to double mortality from other diseases in girls. The diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine (DTP) was found to have the same disastrous effect, doubling mortality among children under the age of 5, and girls were again more likely to die

Inactivated (non-live) vaccines — the DTP , pentavalent vaccine, inactivated polio vaccine, H1N1 in§uenza vaccine and the hepatitis B vaccine — all increased all-cause mortality, especially among girls, even when they offered a high degree of protection against the target disease

GlaxoSmithKline’s antimalarial vaccine Mosquirix, which appears to offer 18% to 36.3% protection against malaria depending on the age group, was found to increase all-cause mortality by 24%

In Phase 3 trials, Mosquirix increased the risk of meningitis 10 fold, as well as the risk for cerebral malaria, and doubled female all-cause mortality

According to bioethicists, the World Health Organization’s malaria vaccine study breaches international ethical standards as they are testing vaccine safety in clinical trials without ¦rst obtaining informed consent from parents of child participants in Malawi, Ghana and Kenya 

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola


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Monday, February 13, 2023

Antibiotics cause Crohn’s & Colitis

A review of over 6 million medical records found exposure to antibiotics may increase
your risk of developing Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, two main types of
in§ammatory bowel disease

The risk rose in a dose-dependent manner and was highest in those taking
nitroimidazoles and §uoroquinolones — often used to treat gut infections

Just one course of antibiotics can negatively affect your gut microbiome for up to 12
months and can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke and colorectal cancer.
Unnecessary use of antibiotics increases the risk of antimicrobial resistance, which is
rising and experts estimate it will kill 10 million each year by 2050

Emulsifiers, a common food additive found in mayonnaise, salad dressings, baked goods
and ice cream, have been associated with the development of gut inflammation and
"robust" colitis in an animal model

Natural options that may help reduce symptoms include ginger, curcumin, omega-3 fats,
probiotics, coconut oil and optimizing vitamin D levels

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola


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UV nail drying devices damage DNA

Ultraviolet (UV) light nail polish dryers used by nail salons to set nail gel commonly emit
UVA light. Researchers have found consistent exposure can increase the risk of
developing skin cancer on your ¦ngers

One 20-minute session under UVA light damages 20% to 30% of DNA, much of which
does not repair, and causes mitochondrial dysfunction. Three consecutive 20-minute
exposures resulted in 65% to 70% of cell death

Personal care products are poorly regulated, and laws have remained unchanged since
1938. Popular hair straightening product is linked to an increased risk of uterine cancers

Sunscreens are another product with ingredients that can accumulate in your body at
unhealthy levels. The FDA con¦rms there is an additive effect to the exposure to benzene,
avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene and octinoxate, to name a few

Very few chemicals are safety tested and even then may not be safe as they are tested
individually under lab conditions and you use them in combination in real-world

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola 

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Sunday, February 12, 2023

USA Today does not like natural remedies

Mainstream media, supported by monopoly tech platforms like Google, YouTube,
Facebook and Twitter, are going to great lengths to control the narrative of what you see
and read about the COVID-19 pandemic

May 2, 2020, USA Today tried to debunk my April 7, 2020, article, “Vitamins C and D
Finally Adopted as Coronavirus Treatment, ” which has more than 814,600 views, without
presenting any counterevidence

The majority of mainstream media in the U.S. are owned, funded (through advertising) —
and therefore easily controlled — by only a few powerful corporate entities and industries,
some of which are overseas and may not even have American interests at heart

Only 47% of American adults trust mainstream digital publishers to report accurate
information about COVID-19. Still, 85% trust the CDC and 77% trust WHO, both of which
have the same con§icts of interest as most mainstream media

Both vitamin C and vitamin D have an enormous amount of evidence showing they provide
important immune function bene¦ts, and that your immune function is your front-line
defense against all illness
, including COVID-19

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola

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Daily chemicals harming your hormones & fertility

A rapid decline in men’s sperm concentration and count is occurring worldwide

While the rate of sperm decline was just over 1% a year beginning in the 1970s, by 2000
the rate of decline more than doubled to 2.64% a year

One class of chemicals appears to be particularly detrimental to sperm — endocrine
disruptors, such as phthalates and bisphenols

Much of the damage occurs in early pregnancy during crucial developmental windows;
the damage can be passed on to future generations

Beyond phthalates and bisphenols, pesticides have also been shown to lower sperm
count, even down to zero in adult men

For those interested in protecting their own fertility — and that of future generations — as
much as possible, avoiding hormone-disrupting chemicals is essential

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola

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Fit & gezond met Bio Lipo

Nooit eerder was de mens blootgesteld aan zoveel (on)zichtbare gevaren. Stress, angst, mind control, bewerkte voedsel, pesticiden, GMO, vaccinaties, bestralingen, alcohol, drugs, sigaretten, medicijnen, een ineffectieve gezondheidszorg, suiker, vervuilde lucht & water.

Door al dit alles zijn ernstige ziekten explosief gestegen. Onze unieke Biologische en Liposomale producten beschikken over een superieure biobeschikbaarheid en absorptieratio. Zo voorkomen en genezen ze ziektes, infecties en andere ongemakken. Ze versterken tevens uw immuunsysteem en helpen u fit & gezond te blijven.