Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Are charred foods dangerous?

Acrylamide is created when carbohydrate-rich plant foods are cooked at high temperatures, whether baked, fried, roasted, grilled or toasted

Animal studies have shown that acrylamide increases the risk of several types of cancer, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) considers acrylamide a "probable human carcinogen" 

Acrylamide is found in 40% of calories consumed by the average American. The FDA recommends limiting acrylamide exposure by avoiding fried foods and toasting or cooking bread and potatoes to a light golden color rather than dark brown or blackened

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Restoring the balance

Your body is naturally asymmetrical. Balance is maintained through the integration of these system imbalances. When balanced integration fails, structural weaknesses and pain can develop

While walking barefoot outdoors on uneven terrain is a great way to ground, walking barefoot on hard, flat surfaces, such as tile or concrete, can cause problems, including bunions

Things like eyeglasses, LASIK surgery, dental implants and root canals can affect your sensory experience, and hence your gait and posture, which in turn can result in pain syndromes 

Dental work can affect your bite, which affects your cranial and cervical posture. If teeth are pulled and not replaced with an implant, your brain may not be able to determine where your center of gravity is, causing your body to overcompensate to one side or the other

LASIK eye surgery can trigger unexpected problems. One of the main problems is that if it fixes you into a set prescription that is wrong, it can lock in dysfunction. With glasses, you’re not locked into one prescription. You can change it and get new glasses if it turns out that your symmetry was off

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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Is the Omega-3 Index test useful ?

The Omega-3 Index test measures the amount of EPA and DHA, the two long-chain omega-3s found in marine sources, in red blood cell membranes, expressed as a percentage of the total fatty acids in the membrane

Most Americans have an index of 4% to 5% of EPA/DHA in their red blood cell membranes, and the target is between 8% to 12%. To raise your index from 5% to 8%, you need roughly 1,000 mg to 1,200 mg of EPA/DHA per day

Higher omega-3 index has been linked to better health across the board, and appears to lower the risk of most, if not all, chronic diseases 

Another ratio commonly referred to is the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, but this ratio is not nearly as useful or important as the omega-3 index

EPA and DHA help thin the blood, lower the risk of stroke and heart attack, lower serum triglyceride levels, blood pressure and inflammation, add structural stability to the mitochondrial membrane and aid mitochondrial energy processes

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The dangers of sunscreen

Many chemical sunscreens have been linked to an increased risk of skin cancer. Among the most hazardous are those containing oxybenzone, synthetic fragrances and retinyl palmitate (vitamin A)

Sunscreens have also been implicated in the destruction of corals and other sea life. Oxybenzone, found in 70% of sunscreens, is lethal to horseshoe crab eggs 

Your safest bet is to use topical zinc oxide or titanium dioxide that does not contain nanosized particles


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Monday, January 29, 2024

Is mRNA shedding possible?

After the COVID-19 vaccines hit the market, stories began emerging of unvaccinated individuals becoming ill after being in proximity to recently vaccinated individuals. This confused many, as the mRNA technology in theory should not be able to “shed”

At this point, we believe this is a real phenomenon as we have seen numerous patient cases which can only be explained by mRNA shedding

Some of the most frequent questions about shedding include: “how much do I need to consider mRNA shedding when dating?” “is vaccinated blood safe?” “how do I protect myself from shedding?” and “what are the potential mechanisms that could explain how shedding is possible?” 

In this article, we will present everything we currently know about shedding (e.g., the evidence for it, who tends to shed, who is affected by shedding, what symptoms are typically observed after shedding). Much of this has been made possible by the hundreds of individuals who have shared their shedding experiences — if you can, please share your story too

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The healing benefits of ginger

The bioactive compounds in ginger help counteract neutrophil hyperactivity in certain autoimmune diseases by increasing cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which in turn inhibits neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation

Researchers were encouraged to find a natural supplement that could help fight overactive neutrophils and may complement treatment programs to relieve symptoms of diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and antiphospholipid syndrome 

Ginger positively influences your gut by accelerating gastric emptying, and thus reduces the potential for heartburn. Alongside other spices, it can increase your gut microbiome diversity and, in turn, help to suppress long-term weight gain

Ginger can modulate pain associated with menstruation, osteoarthritis, migraines and delayed onset muscle soreness
. Research also finds cardioprotective properties, which may be attributed to antihypertensive and antiplatelet activity

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Sunday, January 28, 2024

No Farmers No Food

Dutch cattle farmers own 70% of Holland, but the government is pushing for a forced buy out of 50% of their land, claiming it’s necessary to reduce pollution

Experts say the move to get rid of farmers isn’t about the environment but, rather, taking control of valuable land

The government’s computer models, which are used to support its plan to reduce nitrogen by buying up farmland, are based on a flawed assumption that nitrogen migrates from one field to the nex

The push to remove farmers from their land is being driven by NGOs, which are primarily funded by the government, making them government extensions

A $25 billion government fund, created using taxpayers’ money, has been established to buy farmers’ land; once a farmer sells their land, they’ll be legally prohibited from establishing a farm anywhere else in Europe

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The sun boosts your immune system

Sensible sun exposure has many health benefits. Many are the result of vitamin D production, which occurs when your skin is exposed to UV light, but many others are unrelated to vitamin D

Research shows both blue light and UVA light boosts the activity of T lymphocytes. As little as five to 10 minutes of sun exposure was needed to boost immune cell activity 

The healthiest blue light is from the sun, as it is balanced by near-infrared radiation, which activates cytochrome C oxidase in your mitochondria and helps optimize ATP production

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Saturday, January 27, 2024

Surprising salt facts !

Eating lots of salt will not make you thirsty or cause greater urine output. A study involving Russian cosmonauts reveal eating more salt actually lowered their thirst yet increased hunger

As your salt intake increases, your glucocorticoid hormone level rises, causing greater water availability (hence lower thirst) and increased fat and muscle breakdown — an energy-intensive process resulting in increased hunger

A high-salt diet will not increase your risk of heart disease. Having the correct potassium to sodium balance influences your risk for high blood pressure and heart disease to a far greater extent than high sodium alone

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Protect your brain with oral care

The delicate balance of bacteria in your mouth is as important to your health as your gut microbiome

Periodontal disease is initiated by an increase in Porphyromonas gingivalis, a bacteria that also impairs your innate immune response and increases your risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, pneumonia, autoimmune conditions and mental health disorders

When bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease enter into your circulatory system, your liver releases C-reactive proteins, which have inflammatory effects. Inflammation, in turn, is known to be a disease-causing force leading to most chronic illness

P. gingivalis has been found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, and may be a causative contributor to the condition. Failing to brush twice a day has been shown to increase the risk of dementia by as much as 65%, compared to brushing three times a day

A recent study involving 40,175 middle-aged adults with no history of stroke or dementia found that people with poor oral health had higher levels of neuroimaging markers associated with white brain matter injury. Because these markers precede and are established risk factors of stroke and dementia, the results suggest that oral health is a promising target for very early interventions focused on improving brain health


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Friday, January 26, 2024

Avoiding Urinary Tract Infections

About 80% to 90% of the time, UTIs are caused by E. coli bacteria introduced to your urinary tract

UTI-causing E. coli may be introduced to your body from the food you eat, namely chicken, as well as pork and beef

One study suggested E. coli from food may cause 640,000 UTIs in the U.S. each year, and numbers may be higher in areas near concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) 

If not effectively treated, UTIs can progress to kidney infections and sepsis; deaths from UTIs increased by 2.4-fold from 1990 to 2019

Methylene blue is a highly effective agent against UTIs, as it kills virtually any pathogen in your bladder without disrupting the microbiome the way antibiotics do

Tips to avoid & cure UTIs

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Ineffective, but antidepressants use still growing

Between 1999 and 2014, use of antidepressants in the U.S. rose by 65%. As of 2014, 1 in 6 women and 1 in 11 men over the age of 12 reported taking antidepressant medication

One-quarter of those who had taken an antidepressant in the past month reported being on them for 10 years or more 

In Scotland, antidepressant use among children under the age of 12 quadrupled between 2009 and 2016; use among children under 18 doubled in the same time frame

In 2023, 21 million adults reported having had at least one major depressive episode

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Thursday, January 25, 2024

Did Pfizer lie about the effectiveness of Covid jabs?

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued Pfizer, alleging the Big Pharma giant lied about the effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine

Pfizer “broadcast to the world” that its COVID-19 shot was 95% effective, leading Americans to believe that this was the panacea to end the pandemic, prompting them to receive the experimental product

Pfizer’s representation of its shot being 95% effective was deceptive, the suit claims, because Pfizer used relative risk reduction, which “unduly influences” consumer choice

Pfizer also engaged in a “deception campaign” surrounding its shot’s duration of protection and ability to stop transmission and protect against variants

As it became increasingly clear that Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot wasn’t living up to the hype, Pfizer engaged in a campaign to silence any critics by using censorship and intimidation against those telling the truth

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Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Plastic in food

A Consumer Reports investigation into plasticizers, which are chemicals widely used to make plastic flexible, found the compounds in 84 out of 85 food and beverages tested

Bisphenol A (BPA) was found in 79% of the samples, which included fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, seafood, baby food and more; phthalates were detected in every food tested except one

The product with the most phthalates was Annie’s Organic Cheesy Ravioli, with 53,579 nanograms per serving; Del Monte sliced peaches and Chicken of the Sea pink salmon had the next highest levels 

Phthalates enter food via multiple avenues, including agriculture, pasteurization, packaging and from plastic tubing, conveyor belts and vinyl gloves

Plasticizer chemicals may contribute to multiple health problems, including diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, birth defects, premature birth, neurodevelopmental disorders and infertility

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Lactobacillus reuteri supports gut & hair

The probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus reuteri help upregulate the hormone oxytocin, a chemical messenger that plays important roles in the male and female reproductive systems and influences aspects of human behavior, including sexual arousal, recognition, trust and interpersonal bonding

L. reuteri also upregulate systemic immune responses, thereby promoting wound healing, mental health, metabolism and myoskeletal maintenance

Aged mice fed L. reuteri-containing probiotic yogurt experienced skin and hair changes that mimic the peak health and reproductive fitness seen in younger animals, including thicker dermis, and thicker, shinier, more lustrous fur. In contrast, age-matched controls that ate chow alone had dull fur and suffered from occasional alopecia and dermatitis

L. reuteri have antimicrobial, immune-boosting and immune-regulating effects, and strengthen the intestinal barrier. Lactobacilli also benefit your health by breaking down dietary fiber into beneficial short-chain fatty acids, breaking down phytonutrients, promoting the growth of other beneficial gut microbes, maintaining an appropriate pH level in your gut, and inhibiting endotoxin production

Mental health problems have in recent years been linked to gut health and immune function, and studies have confirmed that different species of Lactobacillus can help prevent and/or treat these conditions

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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Getting rid of bad breath

Tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, are whitish, smelly accumulations of bacteria and cellular debris that develop in the tonsils’ grooves, or “crypts”

A primary problem caused by tonsil stones is halitosis, or bad breath Tonsil stones contain many varieties of anaerobic bacteria associated with the production of volatile sulfur compounds, which explains tonsil stones’ rotten egg smell 

A water flosser, directed toward the stones, can be effective for removal, as can gargling with salt water or diluted apple cider vinegar

Oil pulling is another option that may help to soften and loosen the stones, while improving oral health and reducing bad breath at the same time

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Good breathing important for health

Dysfunctional breathing habits are typically developed in response to some type of emotional trauma. The trauma gets embedded in your brain circuits, and when you encounter triggers, they activate specific breathing habits, some of which may significantly lower your carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration level

The higher the CO2 concentration you can maintain while remaining within the biologically normal CO2 concentration range, the greater the likelihood that your breathing is supporting your health and performance

Breathing techniques such as belly breathing, deep breathing and Buteyko breathing may not address breathing triggers or why you developed an inappropriate breathing habit in the first place 

When you overventilate you get numerous physiological changes. As a result, overbreathing can trigger a wide variety of physical and psychological changes, which can be reversed by implementing breathing behavior analysis learning techniques

Breathing behavior analysts help you become conscious of your breathing habits, what’s triggering them and how to resolve them. This is important, as improper breathing habits can unconsciously sabotage your health

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Monday, January 22, 2024

Should you avoid bitter foods?

Bitter herbs, spices and foods offer valuable benefits and can go a long way toward improving your overall health by improving digestion, gastrointestinal health and absorption of nutrients

Historically, bitter herbs have been primarily used as cleansing agents, vitality builders and digestive support

Many bitters have been shown to have antifungal, antiseptic, antiprotozoal and even antitumor activity 

Much in the same way bitter compounds help protect the plant from harmful influences, they can be helpful in your body by inhibiting microbe growth, oxidation and inflammation

Commercially available bitter tinctures include Swedish Bitters and Underberg. Another easy way of getting more bitters into your diet is simply to add more bitter greens to your salads, and eating your salad first

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Weightlifting reduces heart attacks & strokes

Not excessive strength training is foundational for optimal health, especially as you get older. It’s not just about keeping your musculature strong; resistance training also benefits your heart, metabolism, cognition and mental health

Recent research shows less than an hour of strength training per week can reduce your risk for heart attack and stroke anywhere from 40% to 70%

These cardiovascular benefits were independent of aerobic exercises such as walking and running; strength training alone will lower your risk of heart attack and stroke, even if you don’t meet the recommended guidelines for aerobic activity 

Less than one hour of resistance training per week also lowers your risk of metabolic syndrome by 29% and high cholesterol by 32%, independently of aerobic exercise

Strength training also benefits your brain. In fact, there’s a strong link between muscle strength — especially leg strength — and cognitive health

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Sunday, January 21, 2024

Selling depression to the world

After the SSRIs were developed, their manufacturers realized the population needed to be convinced they were suffering from depression so as many people as possible would buy their drugs

The tricks the drug industry used to perform this were remarkable and have many parallels to how the predatory pharmaceutical industry pushes many other drugs on us 

While a minority of patients (about a third) benefit from antidepressant therapy, the majority do not (termed “treatment resistant depression”), but unfortunately, until recently there have been minimal options available for these patients

Much of this results from depression being viewed as a single illness, rather than a myriad of conditions with somewhat overlapping symptoms which each need to be treated differently (rather than simply all being given the same drug)

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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Preventing Urinary Tract Infections

An animal study from Baylor College of Medicine demonstrated how supplementation with the natural sugar D-mannose may improve cellular function in the urinary tract of older adults and lower the rate of urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Researchers compared the cellular function of naturally aging mouse bladder cells against younger animals and found increased cellular senescence, oxidative stress and increased susceptibility to recurring UTIs, with an increased inefficiency in combating stress

The prevalence of UTIs is rising, having grown by 60.4% from 1990 to 2019. Up to 60% of all women have at least one UTI during their lifetime according to some experts. The annual cost of treatment in the Medicare population for those with a UTI was approximately $12,000 per person in 2019 

In 2018, 79.8% of sampled pork, chicken and turkey in Flagstaff, Arizona, was contaminated with E. coli; blood and urine samples from a nearby medical center revealed 72.4% of those with a UTI had E. coli of the same strain, known as ST131

You can take precautions at home to prevent and start early treatment. Women can take several specific hygienic steps that may help prevent the development of a UTI; you may consider using D-mannose, the active component in cranberries — proanthocyanidins (PAC) — and a saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) as early treatment

More tips to prevent UTI

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The benefits of cherries

Sweet cherries are a great source of potassium, which is important for maintaining normal blood pressure, and contain a number of potent anticancer agents

Tart cherries have been shown to improve athletic performance, endurance and recovery, reducing post-exercise pain and inflammation. Tart cherries also help relieve and prevent arthritis and gout

If you live in a sub-tropical area, growing acerola cherry trees in your backyard can provide you with this potent super food for several months of the year. Relying on commercially-available cherries will limit them to just a few weeks a year

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Friday, January 19, 2024

Eating carrots

Carrots are a popular snack food in the U.S. as they are easy, sweet and go well with a number of different dipping sauces, such as humus

While baby carrots are nutrient-dense, they also are bathed in chlorine before sale, increasing the risk of exposure to disinfection byproducts, some of the most dangerous chemicals to your health

Cooking and cutting whole unprocessed carrots may release more beneficial and powerful antioxidants in the vegetable


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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Chemical Bayer strikes again, with a Trojan horse !

Bayer’s modified soil microbes could trigger a genetically engineered doomsday for agriculture

If you don’t like the toxic pollution from industrial agriculture’s synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides, Bayer and its partner Ginkgo Bioworks have a solution 

They say they’re going to swap out some of the old fossil-fuel-based agrochemicals for genetically engineered microbes

The uncontrolled spread of genetically engineered microbes could contaminate soil on such a vast scale that it could be the end of farming!


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Wednesday, January 17, 2024

CoQ10 prevents heart diseases

A number of studies support the use of CoQ10 for heart health; much of CoQ10’s cardioprotective effects involve its antioxidant effects and ability to produce ATP

People who took CoQ10 were also less likely to experience a nonfatal or fatal heart attack over 12 months compared to those who did not

Low levels of CoQ10 are associated with an increased risk of heart failure, with the severity of heart failure correlated with the severity of CoQ10 deficiency 

Supplementing with CoQ10 for eight to 12 weeks can significantly reduce CRP , tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α)
and IL-6, measures of widespread inflammation

By the age of 65, your body typically produces only about half the amount it did at 25, so supplementation with CoQ10 or its reduced form ubiquinol is helpful in some cases

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Vision loss & Alzheimer's go hand in hand

Loss of vision is associated with a higher risk for certain subtypes of Alzheimer’s; having distance vision worse than 20/40 is associated with a nearly threefold higher risk of cognitive impairment

Amyloid beta protein plays an important role in both vision loss and Alzheimer’s, and studies suggest noninvasive ocular testing may help with early Alzheimer’s diagnosis 

Microwaves emitted from wireless devices trigger a chemical cascade that significantly raises your risk for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s

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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Serotonin & estrogen levels

Estrogen is an obesity promoter and well-established human carcinogen

The Women’s Health Initiative studies, which began in 1991, showed estrogen replacement therapy in menopausal women significantly increased the risk of heart attacks, strokes, dementia, Parkinson's disease and cancer, not just in the breast but all female reproductive organs

The biochemical role of estrogen is to aid in wound healing. In cases of tissue trauma, estrogen reverts the differentiated cells in that specific tissue back to a stem cell-like condition, to repair the damaged tissue. In young, healthy women, progesterone will turn off estrogen’s activity. Progesterone declines with ages, but estrogen synthesis typically does not. Hence, if your estrogen is high and progesterone low, your cancer risk will rise 

Estrogen is antimetabolic and radically reduces the ability of your mitochondria to create cellular energy in a form of ATP

Elevated serotonin destroys empathy, love and wisdom, and contributes to fibrosis, impaired thyroid function, reduced metabolism and reductive stress. High serotonin is also responsible for bizarre, recurring nightmares and may play a role in PTSD as well


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Healing mental problems with nutrition

There are four biochemical types of violent people. Many have severe zinc deficiency, pyrrole disorder, low blood spermine and methylation defects — an unusual combination of bad biochemistry

While there are hundreds of nutrients that are important for health, in the brain, six or seven dominate. These are nutrients that are either involved in synthesis or functioning of neurotransmitters

Nutrients that have a powerful influence on mental health include zinc, copper, B6, selenium, folates and S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)


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Monday, January 15, 2024

Stress causes heart attacks & strokes

Stress increases your risk of heart attack and stroke by causing overactivity in your amygdalayour brain’s fear center, which is activated in response to both real and perceived threats

People who are highly stressed have higher activity in the amygdala. This in turn triggers arterial inflammation, which is a risk factor for heart disease, including heart attacks

High stress also raises your level of disease-promoting white blood cells, and releases norepinephrine, which can cause dispersal of bacterial biofilms from your arterial walls, thereby triggering a heart attack


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The FDA (= Big Pharma) protects harmful medicines

The SSRI antidepressants are some of the most harmful (but most profitable) medications on the market, and this was shown throughout their clinical trials

In turn, once they hit the market, the FDA was overwhelmed with a deluge of adverse reactions being reported and the public demanding the drugs be investigated

Remarkably, rather than address these issues, the FDA for decades did everything it could to cover up what was happening and protect the SSRIs 

The pharmaceutical executive who got Prozac (the first SSRI) to market testified that this required a variety of criminal tactics (e.g., overt bribery). Likewise, the Bush family was in bed with Prozac’s manufacturer and stocked their administrations with executives from the company, which further helps to explain the FDA’s unscrupulous conduct

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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Collagen helps your skin

Collagen is the most abundant of your body’s proteins, found in your connective tissues, muscles, bones, tendons, blood vessels and digestive system, and it comprises 70% of your skin’s protein

By your mid-20s, the collagen in your body starts to diminish, and by the time you reach your 80s, you have around four times less collagen, which explains sagging skin and wrinkles 

Environmental factors like pollution and lifestyle factors such as poor nutrition can diminish collagen production, more quickly reducing your skin’s elasticity and aging your bones and joints

Bone broth is considered a bona fide superfood, as collagen leaches out of the bones as it cooks down, bringing healing benefits, soothing achy bones and muscles, fighting infection and inflammation and improving your skin

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Removing a stye from the eye

Your eyelids protect your eye from injury, regulate how much light is admitted to your retina and maintain a film of tears by distributing tears over your eye

A stye is formed after dirt, dust or skin cells block your Meibomian gland duct and bacterial growth forms a lump, similar to a pimple or a boil, at the edge of your eyelid; this should be differentiated from a chalazion or cellulitis 

Home treatments for a stye include warm compresses, coriander seed tea wash, tea bag compresses and washing your eyelids with mild soap to eliminate the dirt and dead skin cells that plug your oil gland duct

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Saturday, January 13, 2024

Lab-grown chicken meat disaster !

Upside Foods, a leader in the fake meat market and one of two companies allowed to sell cultured meat in the U.S., has failed to scale up its production to produce meaningful amounts of synthetic meat

Plagued by contamination issues, Upside had problems with rodent DNA found in one of its chicken cell lines

While parading its expensive stainless-steel bioreactors for the press, Upside is actually growing only small amounts of fake meat bits inside small, single-use plastic bottles 

Fake meat, presented as a solution to save the environment, may end up being worse for the planet than real meat

Lab-grown meat is often made using animal components, so it’s not really animal-free, and when Upside tested its fake meat for heavy metals, some samples contained 20 times more lead than conventional ground chicken

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Choose organic cotton

While making up less than 2.5% of global cropland, nonorganic cotton receives 25% of all insecticides, 10% of all pesticides and nearly 7% of all herbicides used worldwide

Ninety to 95% of nonorganic cotton clothing is made from genetically engineered cotton GMO). Organic cotton accounts for a mere 1% of the global cotton production

When buying nonorganic cotton, you expose yourself to potentially heavy doses of toxins, contribute to ever-worsening environmental destruction and enable human rights violations (China)

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Friday, January 12, 2024

Chewing gum is not so harmless

Global chewing gum sales are expected to reach $48.68 billion in 2025, but there are downsides to gum chewing to be aware of

If you chew gum excessively, it signals to your body that it’s time to digest food when it’s really not, which could have health implications

When you chew gum, it may increase the amount of air and saliva that you swallow, leading to bloating, pressure on the stomach and possibly worsened acid reflux symptoms 

Gum is essentially made of plastic and often contains titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles, artificial colors and other harmful additives

Chewing gum is also linked to headaches and temporomandibular disorders, and poses a significant threat to the environment due to plastic pollution

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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Covid shots & boosters make the virus more dangerous

The latest SARS-CoV2 variant, JN 1, was first detected in the U.S. in September 2023. By mid-December, it accounted for about half of all COVID cases in the country

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , the rapid spread of JN 1 suggests it may be more transmissible and/or has greater immune-evading abilities

A vaccinology concept called "immune refocusing" explains how more dangerous viruses can be created by leaky vaccines that do not prevent infection

By continuing with boosters, we accelerate immune escape. Over time, variants will get better and better at evading our immune responses, and those who keep taking boosters will be the most vulnerable to infection of all

Because of the mutations ween in JN 1, vaccinologist Geert VANden Bossche, Ph.D., predicts we will "very soon" see variants that are more virulent but less infectious. If this happens, healthy unjabbed individuals are unlikely to be affected because their first line of defense - their innate immune system - still works as it should. The jabbed, on the other hand, whose innate immune systems have not been trained, and whose adaptive immune systems have become increasingly useless, will be at very high risk of severe complications and death


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Only use CPR with a defibrillator

CPR classes were introduced to the public in 1972; after decades of data, a 2010 study showed the overall survival rate of CPR outside the hospital was 7.6% in a cohort of 142,720 people. Another study demonstrated those with underlying chronic disease generally had worse outcomes than those without chronic disease

A significant factor that influences CPR outcome is the reason for the cardiac arrest. When your heart stops because of an abnormal heart rhythm, such as tachycardia or fibrillation, the process can be reversible with a defibrillator. Those with a shockable rhythm had a nearly three-fold higher odds of 30-day survival

The coronary artery calcium measurement or CAC score, may be the “master measure for cardiac disease, " according to Ivor Cummins and which the American Heart Association says is one way to estimate the risk of heart attack or stroke

Your cardiovascular system is influenced by several factors, including nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress and medications. Each plays a unique role in supporting or damaging cardiovascular health. Consider this list of suggested factors and links to articles with more in-depth information to help you on your journey to better health

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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

First milk crucial for surival

Colostrum, or first milk, is the substance that all mammals produce in the first few days after giving birth. Knowing the female & the baby, it is designed to provide a rich, concentrated source of nutrition to the newborn, colostrum has a different composition from mature milk, including more fat, protein, peptides, vitamins, hormones and growth factors, along with less lactose

Among the most important compounds in colostrum are antimicrobial factors that stimulate immune system development

The gastrointestinal tract also benefits from colostrum intake, as do the metabolic and endocrine systems; it’s also useful for muscular-skeletal repair and growth 

Colostrum is a rich source of antibodies, including immunoglobulins that “lay the foundation of lifelong immunity”

Colostrum’s ability to heal the mucosal barrier in the gut makes it ideal for gastrointestinal health, especially in disorders that involve failure of the mucosal barrier, such as inflammatory bowel disease

Lactoferrin in colostrum promotes the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines that may help prevent infections and sepsis; lactoferrin also has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, antitumor and immunomodulatory effects

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Sitting too long causes problems

There are about 10,000 publications showing that prolonged sitting is harmful to your health and promotes chronic diseases, including obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Within 90 seconds of rising from sitting to standing, the muscular and cellular systems that process blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol — which are mediated by insulin — are activated. All of these molecular effects are activated simply by carrying your bodyweight upon your legs 

Even if you get 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each week, there’s still a dose-response association of sitting with waist circumference, systolic blood pressure and glucose levels — a phenomenon referred to as “active couch potato syndrome”

At bare minimum, avoid sitting for more than 50 minutes out of every hour. Ideally, limit sitting to three hours or less

According to biological anthropologists, the fossil record suggests that when early man traded their nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyles for a more settled one, it resulted in a less dense bone structure 

Recent research shows moderate exercise loosely defined as exerting yourself to the point where you're slightly winded but can carry on a conversationimproves all-cause survival two times better than vigorous exercise, and that more is better. It cannot be overdone

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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Attacking mankind by attacking gender

While it seems the transgender ideology came out of nowhere, schools have been teaching children that their identity is separate from their biology, and that gender is a choice, for a long time. Today, transgender ideology is being taught to children as early as preschool

Transgenderism is primarily a social contagion, although exposure to synthetic chemicals, in utero and in early life, may play a role in some cases, especially in boys identifying as girls

Classic gender dysphoria primarily affected boys, and always presented at a very early age. Now, teens and young adults claim they’re transgender, which was never the case before. Girls identifying as boys now make up about 60% of cases 

Many in the affirmative care field insist that you can block puberty without negative effects and that hormone therapy effects are reversible, neither of which is true. Proponents of transgender ideology also claim that unless trans kids are affirmed in their new identities and provided medical and surgical treatment to transition, they’re at high risk of suicide, and that’s not true either

“Lost in Trans Nation, ” written by Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and board-certified medical doctor, provides parents with the required knowledge and tools to protect their children from the transgender ideology contagion

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Boost your heart & bones with Vitamin K2

Vitamin K1 is important for proper blood clotting. Vitamin K2 works synergistically with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D to impart a number of important health benefits

Vitamin K2 deficiency produces the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity, which includes inappropriate calcification of soft tissues that can lead to atherosclerosis

Health benefits of vitamin K2 include preventing osteoporosis and heart disease, optimizing sexual function, reducing your risk of diabetes and cancer, improving symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and knee osteoarthritis and more 

Research found taking 180 micrograms per day of MK-7 vitamin K2 for three years improved arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women, especially those who had a high degree of arterial stiffness

Pooled evidence show vitamin K2 supplementation can reduce vertebral fractures by 60% and hip and other nonvertebral fractures by 80%

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Monday, January 8, 2024

Live with less; life on earth is too small for our desires

While there’s no scientific data to show that living with less stuff will increase your happiness, a growing number of people insist that this is in fact part of the equation

Human desire is unlimited. If we have 10 we want 20, constantly desiring more & better. But our means and the supply on earth is limited. So we can never keep satisfying our desires. 

An estimated 70% of American homeowners cannot park their car in the garage due to it being filled with stuff that doesn’t fit inside the house

In 2016 the average credit card debt for Americans who carry a balance was $16,000. Meanwhile, financial hardship and work stress are two significant contributors to depression and anxiety. The answer is to buy less

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The mass use of antidepressants

SSRI antidepressants are one of the most harmful medications on the market, and because of just how many people they are given to (often for no good reason) they have had a profound effect on the consciousness of our entire society

This article will review some of the more common side effects of SSRIs (and SNRIs), such as becoming numb to life, becoming severely agitated and imbalanced (sometimes to the point one becomes violently psychotic), losing your mind, losing the ability to have sex, and the development of birth defects 

Unfortunately, due to widespread denial in psychiatry about the issues with their drugs the common SSRI side effects are often misinterpreted as a sign the individual had a pre- existing mental illness and needs more of the drug — which all too often then leads to catastrophic events for the over-medicated patient

Like many other stimulant drugs (e.g., cocaine) SSRIs are highly addictive. Because of this, patients will get severely ill when they attempt to stop them (withdrawals affect roughly half of SSRI users) and it is often extremely difficult to withdraw from them. In this article, I will cover the approaches I know for that since very few resources exist for people in that situation


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Sunday, January 7, 2024

How to prevent Alzheimer’s

Between 1999 and 2014, the death rate from Alzheimer’s increased by 55%, killing more than 93,500 Americans in 2014, according to a review of death certificates

Research published in 2014 found Alzheimer’s deaths were severely underreported on death certificates. Researchers estimate the annual death toll from Alzheimer’s actually exceeds half a million 

Many lifestyle and environmental factors contribute to the rise in Alzheimer’s, including inappropriate diet, inactivity, insulin resistance, prion infection, lack of sun exposure and overexposure to toxic chemicals and non-native electromagnetic fields

More tips against Alzheimer’s

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The covert war against mankind

Infertility is skyrocketing and if the trend continues, most couples may require reproductive services to conceive by 2045

Potential reasons for this trend include vaccines that impair fertility, endocrine-disrupting chemicals and electromagnetic field (EMF) exposures

The number of children born worldwide dropped 50% between 1960 and 2018. Many countries also saw shocking birth rate decreases following the rollout of the COVID shots

Infertility affects 1 in 6 people globally. In the U.S., fertility problems affect 9% of men and 11% of women

A single in vitro fertilization cycle can cost between $15,000 and $30,000, and since your chances of conceiving is only 29% after the first cycle and 43% after six cycles, it can get very expensive. As a result, we may be moving into a future where only the rich will have the means to reproduce

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Saturday, January 6, 2024

The effects of virtual "contact"

Conversing in-person results in strong and complex neural signaling, but this is dramatically reduced when meetings take place virtually, with unknown consequences for the human psyche

A Yale team used neuroimaging technologies to study interactions between two people in real time, face-to-face as well as conversations on the video conferencing platform Zoom

Significant differences were found in brain activity, with the strength of neural signaling reduced on Zoom compared to in-person 

Those speaking face-to-face had increased gaze time and increased pupil diameters, which suggests increased arousal in the brain

The participants’ brains also had coordinated neural activity in-person, likely due to reciprocal exchanges of social cues that the pair experienced during their face-to-face chat

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The benefits of green tea

Green tea, which comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, contains a wealth of beneficial polyphenols, including the catechins epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin and epicatechin

EGCG may be helpful for the prevention of arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombus, heart attack and stroke — in part due to its ability to relax your arteries and improve blood flow

Green tea, consumed either in the form of a beverage or extract for two weeks or more, significantly lowers systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure 

A meta-analysis involving 25 randomized controlled trials also concluded that long-term tea intake — defined as 12 weeks or more — significantly improved blood pressure

Drinking about 0.5 to 2.5 cups of green tea daily for at least one year reduced the risk of developing high blood pressure by 46%, while those consuming more than 2.5 cups reduced their risk by 65%

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