While the SARS-CoV-2 infection itself has been shown to be far less lethal than initially suspected, government responses to it have led to an epidemic of fear and stress, which can have serious health consequences
When you think a negative thought, when you feel fear, your cortisol level starts to rise and chronically high cortisol produces all kinds of ill effects in your body
Our brains are hard-wired and evolutionarily adapted to pay attention to potential threats. As a result, most of us need to train our brain to notice the positive and to feel gratitude
EcoMeditation, developed by Dawson Church, Ph.D., incorporates several proven techniques shown to induce rapid changes in your brain to increase positivity and well-being
EcoMeditation includes tapping, neurofeedback techniques, mindfulness, HeartMath’s quick coherence technique and various breathing techniques. When you do these together, they reinforce each other
Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola
George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle