Saturday, November 13, 2021

Melatonin lowers thrombosis, sepsis & COVID deaths

Data show melatonin used in people with severe COVID infections could lower mortality and reduce incidence of thrombosis and sepsis
Research also showed those using melatonin had a 28% reduced likelihood of a positive COVID-19 test, and a 52% reduction in black Americans

Melatonin is part of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) protocols for prevention, early treatment and hospital care
Other health benefits of melatonin include sleep regulation, protection against neurodegeneration, regulation of inflammation and control of pain in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis and protection against multiple sclerosis relapses

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Is eating cultured meat cannibalism ?

The fake meat industry poses tremendous risks to global health as ultraprocessed foods have been robustly linked to obesity, ill health and early death. It also threatens global food security through the patenting of food

Imitation meats are ultraprocessed foods as they’re manufactured from start to finish and typically involve the use of man-made ingredients  

Once living animals are eliminated and replaced with patented plant-derived and cell-based lab-grown alternatives, private companies will effectively control the food supply in its entirety, and they will be the ones profiting from it rather than farmers

Meat grown from human cells harvested from the inside of your cheek, which are then grown in a broth made from blood extracted from unborn calf fetuses or expired human blood, may eventually become available

Start-ups are working on or have already launched meatless soy-based burgers and lab-grown steaks, shrimp, pork and chicken

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle


Friday, November 12, 2021

Selenium & Zinc deficiency worsens Covid

Data from Belgium reveal that patients with zinc and selenium deficiencies, especially those with comorbidities associated with worse COVID outcomes, had a higher risk of mortality and severe disease
Up to 1 billion worldwide may be deficient in selenium with symptoms that can include hair loss, fatigue, weight gain, immune system and cognitive decline

Zinc deficiency may affect up to 2 billion worldwide and may be responsible for more than 450,000 deaths every year in children younger than 5 years. Signs of deficiency may include, weak immunity, lack of appetite, hair loss, acne and a loss of taste and smell
The role of zinc in the fight against coronaviruses has been known since at least 2010; zinc requires help getting into the cell to fight viruses. Although hydroxychloroquine is effective, new data show quercetin may have the same function, while being less expensive and more easily obtained
Use supplements and/or foods high in zinc and selenium, including pasture-raised beef or chicken, pasture-raised eggs, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts and sardines

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

CDC manipulating studies

The pandemic of the vaccinated ?

Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated
In the U.S., meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is propping up the official narrative with two manipulated studies — one suggesting the jab reduces all-cause mortality, and another claiming the shot is five times more protective than natural immunity
Both studies are of questionable quality and have several problems, including selection of time and date ranges that allow them to pretend that the COVID shots are safer and more effective than they really are

According to all-cause mortality statistics, the number of Americans who died between January 2021 and August 2021 is 16% higher than 2018 (the pre-COVID year with the highest all-cause mortality) and 18% higher than the average death rate between 2015 and 2019. Did COVID-19 raise the death toll despite mass vaccination, or are people dying at increased rates because of the COVID jabs?
CDC data reveal that while the number of hospitalized patients with natural immunity fell sharply over the summer, when the delta variant took over, the number of vaccinated people being hospitalized soared, from three per month on average during the spring to more than 100 a month in late summer. Since these vaccinated patients were less than six months from their second dose, they should have been at or near maximum immunity 

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

A deadly combination; vegetable oil & iron

Researchers found a connection between the intake of iron and seed oils high in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in people with Type 2 diabetes
Both high dietary iron intake and an elevated iron/PUFA ratio were associated with DPN
While the study evaluated PUFA intake of omega-6 and omega-3 together, it was the ratio of iron/omega-6 that showed a significant association with DPN

One way to help stop the oxidative damage caused by iron intake in the presence of too many omega-6s is to take carnosine or its primary precursor, beta-alanine
Many chronic diseases appear to be the result of a catastrophic cascade of health declines triggered by the long-term consumption of omega-6 seed oils
To protect your health, it is vital that you reduce your intake of industrially processed seed oils as much as you can, which includes virtually all processed foods and fast foods that contain them

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Interest in Vitamin D remains very high

Vitamin D optimization is likely the easiest, least expensive and most fundamental beneficial strategy that anyone can do to minimize their risk of COVID-19 and other infections
October 31, 2020, I published a scientific review in the journal Nutrients, co-written with William Grant, Ph.D., and Dr. Carol Wagner. Our paper is the second-most downloaded study from this journal in the past 12 months. It’s also No. 2 in citations for articles in the past 12 months, and No. 4 for views 

The study with the most downloads in the past year and the all-time highest number of views is another vitamin D paper, which found vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of influenza and COVID-19 infections and deaths
A third vitamin D paper nabbed the No. 1 spot for most-cited study in the past 12 months. This study found vitamin D supplementation improved survival in frail elderly hospitalized with COVID-19
To improve your immune function and lower your risk of viral infections, you’ll want to maintain a vitamin D level between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL (150 nmol/L and 200 nmol/L). Vitamin D optimization is particularly important for dark-skinned individuals, as the darker your skin, the more sun exposure you need to raise your vitamin D level, as well as the elderly

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

CDC updating definition of 'fully vaccinated' ?

Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, announced the CDC may consider updating the definition of “full vaccination” for COVID-19 as the number of people getting vaccinated wanes

Walensky's definition of "fully vaccinated" could translate to economic and social interactions in much the same way that is happening in Australia, where the premier announced people who are not fully vaccinated are excluded from any economic or social activities

The CDC recently made a drastic change to the definition of "vaccine" to allow the CDC, FDA and other agencies to call the gene therapy injection a "vaccine"

Changing definition during 2020 and 2021 is not a new phenomenon. NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci and the WHO have changed the definition of herd immunity, and Fauci admits to telling Americans only what he thinks they can handle at the given moment

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle