Sunday, September 12, 2021

The pandemic trance with Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist who warns that COVID-19 vaccines not only are failing but are putting lives at risk
McCullough believes if the proper safety boards had been in place, the COVID-19 vaccine program would have been shut down in February 2021 based on safety and risk of death

By January 22, 2021, 186 deaths had been reported after COVID-19 vaccination — more than enough to reach the mortality signal of concern
In his practice, McCullough is seeing an array of neurologic syndromes in people who’ve been vaccinated, with symptoms including blindness, paralysis, difficulty swallowing, headaches, ringing in the ears, myocarditis and more
McCullough also mentions antigenic, or immune, escape, which he believes is driving the creation of COVID-19 variants and making the pandemic worse instead of better

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola


George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle


Saturday, September 11, 2021

IBM colluded with Hitler, now makes vaccine passports

Former Clinton adviser and author Naomi Wolf warns that mandatory COVID-19 passports will spell the “end of human liberty in the West”   

IBM has partnered with COVID-19 vaccine maker Moderna to develop a digital Health Pass system that ties our biometric IDs to our health data through its smartphone app and shares data between governments, health care providers, life science organizations, individuals, food supply chains and global financial systems

IBM aided the Nazi regime in its efforts to eradicate Jews. Without its information technology, Hitler would not have been able to accomplish this genocide at the scale he was able to

At the time of Hitler’s rise to power, the world was unaware that massively organized information capabilities had emerged to become a means of social control and weapon of war. Today, we cannot be accused of not understanding that massive data collection can be used to manipulate societies across the globe, and must look to history to see how personal data can be misused
It would be naïve to think that digital vaccine certificates, tied to our biometric IDs, banking, credit histories, health and food allocation data could not end up being used as a tool for social control and the destruction of certain groups of people

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola


George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

How politicians make millions

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s wealth has increased from $41 million to nearly $115 million since 2004
At issue isn’t the fact that politicians are multimillionaires; rather, as noted on a recent Twitter thread by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Glenn Greenwald, it’s how they made their millions 

In the last two years, nearly 75% of Pelosi’s stock trades have involved Big Tech stocks, totaling over $33 million in trading
The trading has occurred as major legislation was proposed, controlled by the Committees Pelosi oversees, that could reshape the future of the industry
Pelosi's five most-traded stocks in the last two years — Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon and Google — were those that stood to be most affected by pending legislation
The system is corrupt, with most politicians not fighting for the public but, rather, looking out for their own self-interest and wealth accumulation

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola


George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Friday, September 10, 2021

Will Fauci Be Held Accountable for Lying to Congress?

Paul Thacker, a former investigator with the U.S. Senate, says Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to Congress when he claimed he’s never funded gain-of-function research. This is a federal offense punishable by up to five years in prison, provided the false statements are materially relevant and knowingly false
July 20, 2021, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul — who has grilled Fauci about his research funding in two separate hearings in 2021 — announced he would ask the DOJ for a criminal referral, as he’s convinced Fauci made false statements to Congress

One “smoking gun” is a research article written by Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) scientists. The paper acknowledges funding from the NIAID/NIH, and the research meets the Department of Health and Human Services’ definition of gain-of-function research
According to the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, “The term ‘gain-of-function’ is generally used to refer to changes resulting in the acquisition of new, or an enhancement of existing, biological phenotypes”
In a June 2021 essay, professor Jeffrey Sachs, head of The Lancet’s commission tasked with investigating COVID’s origin, described how the NIAID has funded gain-of-function research at the WIV, stating it’s “common knowledge in the U.S. scientific community that NIH has … supported genetic recombinant research on SARS-like viruses that many scientists describe as GOFROC [gain-of-function research of concern]”

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola

George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle


Masks are a tcking time bomb

It’s estimated that 129 billion face masks are used worldwide each month, which works out to about 3 million masks a minute
Not only are masks not being recycled, but their materials make them likely to persist and accumulate in the environment

Because masks may be directly made from microsized plastic fibers with a thickness of 1 mm to 10 mm, they may release microsized particles into the environment more readily — and faster — than larger plastic items, like plastic bags
Microbes from your mouth, known as oral commensals, frequently enter your lungs, where they’ve been linked to advanced stage lung cancer; wearing a mask could potentially accelerate this process
The “new normal” of widespread masking is affecting not only the environment but also the mental and physical health of humans

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola


George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle


Conspirators admit geoengineering

The U.N. is considering a controversial form of geoengineering, involving spraying sulfate aerosols into the Earth’s stratosphere in order to modify climate — with unknown, and potentially disastrous, effects 

While geoengineering could have the intended effect of altering climate, including lowering global temperatures, its unintended consequences, which include altering rainfall and potentially rendering some regions of Earth unable to grow food, could be permanent, and catastrophic   

Bill Gates is heavily invested in climate modification technologies that not only will destabilize the Earth's climate systems more, but also can be weaponized against the people by controlling rainfall and drought and used as a method for social control

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola

George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle


Thursday, September 9, 2021

Judge Removes Child From Mom Over Vaccination Status

August 10, 2021, a Cook County, Illinois, judge stripped a mother of her parental rights during a child support hearing because she refused to get the COVID jab due to bad vaccine reactions in the past
August 30, 2021, the judge reversed his decision to keep the mother from seeing her son after public backlash and involvement from the Illinois divorce bar

A number of judges around the U.S. have started using the COVID shot as a reward/punishment tool, but should opting in or out of a medical treatment really determine your ability to get fair treatment in the judicial system?
Dehumanizing people for their medical choices is part and parcel of the technocratic Great Reset plan, as vaccine passports will serve as the platform for more invasive surveillance, social engineering and population control
People in positions of power are actively pushing for the creation of a two-tier society where those who get the COVID jabs are “privileged” with normal everyday freedoms and those who refuse the shot are shunned, barred and excluded


Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola