Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Global Covid Gang

We are in the middle of the biggest, most effective propaganda war in the history of the world, designed to make us helpless, obedient and docile. The end goal is to create a totalitarian world regime

In psychotherapy, people who've been abused often cannot identify the abuse as evil. They can't bear to think there are people who take pleasure from injury and domination. Citizens across the world are currently being abused, and must face the fact that there are evil people intentionally trying to hurt them

In 2015, a scientific paper announced they had the means to create a pandemic. The research was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
The Communist Chinese Party has been working with SARS-CoV-type viruses since at least 2003, and there have been four different leaks of SARS viruses since then
In 2016, Bill Gates created a business plan for the World Economic Forum that details everything we’re experiencing now

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Monday, October 4, 2021

CIA Can of Worms

February 10, 2021, Instagram banned the account of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for “sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines”
The real reason Kennedy is being censored is because he understands and exposes the global technocratic agenda that is pushing us toward global totalitarianism
The corporate media are indistinguishable from the CIA when it comes to matters of domestic and foreign matters. The CIA has also played an important role in furthering the technocrats’ agenda of global domination since its inception 

Big tech companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and Amazon are also deeply connected to the military-industrial-intelligence complex. They serve important surveillance and data harvesting functions without which the technocratic agenda cannot not be realized
The core of the technocratic power structure includes entities such as the Trilateral Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, the Aspen Institute, the Atlantic Institute, the Brookings Institute and other think-tanks

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

The hidden pandemic cause

Toxic stressor exposures, which can be chemical, physical, biological or psychological in nature, hinder your immune system’s ability to fight off viruses, and they deserve greater recognition in the fight against COVID-19 and future pandemics

Most (95%) of COVID-19 deaths have other comorbidities and underlying conditions that contributed to the death, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, cancer or diabetes

Many of these underlying conditions that increase the risk of severe COVID-19 and death are caused by toxic exposures, such as poor diet, environmental chemicals, inactivity and stress

The COVID-19 pandemic response has focused on short-term emergency measures like quarantines, lockdowns and injections, which do nothing to address the long-term outlook for helping humans fight pathogenic viral diseases

The reason that SARS-CoV-2 was singled out as the only toxic stressor to target, according to the study, has to do with political and financial reasons, not scientific ones, protecting major production and consumption stakeholders like the pharmaceutical industry, food industry and biotech industry 

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle


Are vaccines risky ?

To ensure the safety of as many children as possible, we need to have an open rational discussion about vaccine safety; 30 years ago, autism affected 1 in 10,000 children. Today, it afflicts as many as 1 in 50

If your baby has suboptimal gut flora, vaccines can become the proverbial "last straw" — the trigger that "primes" their immune system to develop chronic health problems
Evaluating differences in health outcomes among highly vaccinated and unvaccinated children could shed light on the vaccine safety conversation, but a large scale, well-designed study has never been done

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Medical Mafia destroying the health care system

Jodi O’Malley, a registered nurse who works for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Indian Health Services branch in Phoenix, Arizona, is blowing the whistle on COVID jab injuries
A DHHS emergency room physician admits no one is reporting COVID jab injuries, even though it’s required for emergency use medications

According to media reports, unvaccinated COVID patients are causing health care systems to be overwhelmed. Health care systems in Idaho, Alaska and Montana have started rationing health care based on probability of survival
What many media outlets are not addressing is that medical resources are under strain due to the enormous numbers of trained medical staff either resigning or getting fired for refusing the COVID jab
Public health data are being massively manipulated and then wielded as a weapon to justify egregious power grabs and governmental overreaches. In the process, the medical profession has been pushed to the edge of a moral void where patients are viewed as disposable based on their medical choices

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Fake farmer Bill

Bill Gates has been buying up farmland across the U.S. He currently owns 242,000 acres of farmland, plus another 27,000 acres of nonagricultural land
His sizable land ownership further strengthens Gates’ already enormous influence over agriculture and food policy
In 2006, Gates launched AGRA together with the Rockefeller Foundation. After 14 years, AGRA’s influence has significantly worsened the situation in the 18 African nations targeted by this “philanthropic” endeavor. Hunger under AGRA’s direction increased by 30% and rural poverty rose dramatically 

Gates’ philanthropy creates several new problems for each one he promises to solve, and can best be described as “philanthrocapitalism.” Rarely do his initiatives actually help the local community. The only ones benefiting are his corporate allies and Gates himself
Gates’ globalist approach to farming has had devastating consequences for food and environmental sustainability in general and local food security in particular. We must dismantle the globalist machine and transition into regenerative agricultural methods that have been proven successful

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola

See also: Puppet Gates, a genocidal thieving pervert



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Higher insurance charges for unvaxxed

August 25, 2021, Delta Air Lines announced that unvaccinated employees who are on the company health plan will have a $200 monthly surcharge added
A number of federal statutes — including the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) — prohibit group health plans and insurers from discriminating against individuals based on health factors
However, by making COVID-19 injections a requirement of the company’s wellness program, Delta may be able to skirt legal issues 

It’s possible that Delta’s decision to penalize people for choosing to avoid a COVID-19 injection could be seen as a form of coercion, as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission requires that penalties not be so large as to be coercive
Delta’s surcharge for unvaccinated employees also neglects to differentiate those who choose not to get injected because they already have natural immunity from a prior COVID-19 infection
If reducing health care costs is the goal, Delta could offer their employees access to inexpensive early COVID-19 treatment and ensure such costs are covered by their health insurance plans

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle