The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) is funded by Bill Gates, Google, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and Wellcome, all of which are easily identified as parts of the technocratic globalist network
In November 2019, TBIJ was given a $1,068,169 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for an advocacy program related to “Global health and development public awareness and analysis”
George Soros’ Open Society Foundation funds TBIJ projects involving “shadow wars and decision machines”
TBIJ was writing a hit piece on me, claiming the articles I post on my website and social media channels “often include misinformation about the pandemic, the coronavirus or vaccines, as well as misinformation on other topics”
mRNA gene therapy “vaccines” are fast-tracked products first released under emergency use authorization — animal trials were skipped and human trials aren’t even completed yet — and based on historical and preliminary evidence, significant short- and long-term side effects are inevitable
Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola
George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle