Saturday, October 16, 2021

Vat-Grown Protein = Fake Meat

According to recent research, adults with high glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) antibody levels (a marker for Type 1 diabetes) and low omega-3 levels had a more than fourfold higher risk of autoimmune diabetes
In earlier research, GAD65-positive individuals who ate one or more servings of fatty fish per week had a 49% reduced risk of latent autoimmune diabetes compared to those who got less than one weekly serving 

Only fatty, cold-water fish contain significant amounts of omega-3 fats. Examples include wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel and herring. Farmed salmon is among the most toxic foods available and is best avoided
Farmed salmon also have the nutritional drawbacks of containing only half the omega-3 of wild salmon and four to eight times less vitamin D, while having more than 5.5 times the amount of harmful omega-6
Processed vegetable oils are primary source of omega-6 linoleic acid (LA), but animal foods such as farmed salmon also contain high amounts of it, thanks to the fact that the animals are fed LA-rich grains. There’s evidence to suggest excessive amounts of LA play a role in most chronic diseases, especially top killers such as heart disease

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Quercetin helps against COVID

Two recently published studies confirm quercetin is useful as an adjunct therapy in the early outpatient treatment of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection
In one study, COVID patients who received quercetin in addition to analgesics and an antibiotic cleared the virus faster than those who only received analgesics and antibiotics, and a greater number of patients reported reduced symptoms 

In the second study, daily quercetin supplementation for one month reduced the frequency and length of hospitalization, the need for noninvasive oxygen therapy, intensive care and deaths
Quercetin has antiviral, anti-blood clotting, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, all of which are important in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection
Quercetin also inhibits binding of specific spike proteins to your ACE2 receptors, thereby blocking the virus’ ability to infect your cells. It’s also been shown to directly neutralize viral proteins that are critical in the replication of SARS‐CoV‐2

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Friday, October 15, 2021

Are COVID vaccines effective ?

A recent report details a SARS-CoV-2 Delta outbreak in an Israeli hospital where 238 out of 248 (96%) of the exposed patients and staff had been fully vaccinated with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine
Of the 238 fully vaccinated individuals, 39 (16%) were infected, as were three of the 10 unvaccinated individuals who got exposed
While all of the sickened staff recovered, five infected patients died and nine turned into severe or critical cases. All of the dead and severe/critical cases were fully vaccinated. Two unvaccinated patients that got infected only had mild illness 

This outbreak tells us that the COVID shots cannot create herd immunity. It also suggests vaccinated people may be more prone to serious and lethal infection than the unvaccinated
Of 41,552 hospitalized patients in the U.S., 73% of the unvaccinated, 71% of the partially vaccinated and 72% of the fully vaccinated received a diagnosis of COVID-like illness (CLI) between January 1, 2021, and June 22, 2021

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Huge amounts of plastic in baby poop

Evidence shows there is more polyethylene terephthalate in the feces of infants than in adults, and it is found in the first stool of newborn babies
Analysis shows infants consume thousands of plastic particles when they are fed from plastic baby bottles. Bottled water is another route of exposure to plastic chemicals

Recycling plastic has not proven logistically feasible, and evidence shows recycled plastic increases the risk of phthalate exposure
Based on findings from one study, you may be consuming as much as one soup spoon of plastic each year and as much as the size of a standard lifebuoy every 10 years

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Mindless mask mandates

While the media claims mask mandates are based on science and will “save lives,” science is actually ignored wholesale and recommendations are primarily pushed based on emotional justifications and triggers
Recommendations have fluctuated wildly from initially admonishing people to not wear masks, to mandating universal mask wearing by all, including the healthy, to wearing two, three and even four masks, plus goggles and face shields
The logical reason for all this flip-flopping is because actual science is being ignored. From the start, the available research has been rather consistent: Mask wearing does not reduce the prevalence of viral illness and asymptomatic spread is exceedingly rare, if not nonexistent 

The largest COVID-19-specific mask trial to date found masks may either reduce your risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection by as much as 46%, or increase it by 23%. Either way, the vast majority — 97.9% of those who didn’t wear masks, and 98.2% of those who did — remained infection free
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rely on an anecdotal story about two hair stylists who interacted with clients while symptomatic. Because everyone wore masks in the salon, and none tested positive after exposure, they claim this is evidence that the masks prevented the spread of infection. Meanwhile, other CDC data reveal 85% of confirmed COVID-19 patients used masks “often” or “always”

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Nebulized peroxide therapy

A Holistic Approach to Viruses:

A Special Interview With Dr. David Brownstein 

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and the media are now warning against using nebulized hydrogen peroxide for respiratory viruses such as SARS-CoV-2
There is absolutely zero evidence that supports the idea that properly diluted hydrogen peroxide nebulization is hazardous. On the contrary, several health benefits have been demonstrated, both clinically and anecdotally
Recent research shows COVID-positive patients who irrigated their sinuses with a saline-iodine solution were 19 times less likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19 than the national rate

Another recent paper recommends nebulizing 1.5% hydrogen peroxide twice daily as an at-home treatment for COVID-19, and by hospitalized patients who do not yet require intensive care
Nebulizing with normal saline, hypertonic 3% saline, hydrogen peroxide and iodine have all been shown to safely improve respiratory infections. I recommend diluting peroxide with normal saline for a 0.1% concentration, and adding one drop of Lugol’s iodine

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle

Shots required for flying?

The White House is seriously considering a “no shot, no fly” rule within the U.S.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Biden administration’s top medical adviser, is in favor of the idea and stated that “nothing has been taken off the table” when it comes to domestic air travel vaccine mandates
COVID-19 shots do not prevent transmission and people who have been injected can still spread COVID-19 to others, making vaccine mandates more about compliance than science

The “science” behind social distancing is also nonexistent, and the 6 feet requirement an arbitrary number created by politics, not science
The vaccine mandate rhetoric is also ignoring the basic and long-established phenomenon of natural immunity; those who’ve recovered from COVID-19 are naturally immune and don’t need a shot
The only way to compensate for the assault on freedom happening all around is for people to hear about it and stand up against it

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle