Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Mistakes Athletes Make

Runners can jeopardize their life by drinking too much water during a long-distance event. An estimated 10% to 20% of people have inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone and retain fluid even though they're overhydrated. As a result, they can lose consciousness and may die unless treated with concentrated salt solutions

The treatment for overhydration is to give a high-saline IV (3% to 5% sodium). The sodium will absorb and help expel the excess water through urination, typically resulting in rapid recovery

For non-athletes who are metabolically inflexible and have insulin resistance, a low-carb diet can help you regain your metabolic flexibility

Dr. Mercola believes that once you’ve regained your metabolic flexibility, scienti¦c evidence suggests a diet higher in carbs (primarily from ripe fruit) and restricting fat to about 30% of calories can optimize energy production and minimize harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) production

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Monday, November 27, 2023

Flight attendants get more cancer !

While previous research has found flight attendants have higher rates of breast cancer and melanoma, research expands that list, finding the same trend for non-melanoma, uterine, cervical, gastrointestinal and thyroid cancers as well

Compared to the general population, female cabin crew report 1.5 times higher rates of breast cancer, over twice the melanoma and four times the rate of non-melanoma skin cancer

Breast cancer rates are also higher among flight attendants with multiple children, which is surprising as childbirth and breastfeeding lower a woman’s risk of breast cancer

Explanations for the elevated cancer risk among flight attendants include circadian rhythm disruptions due to irregular work schedules, exposure to carcinogens such as pesticides, fire retardant chemicals and jet fuel, and exposure to high levels of cosmic ionizing radiation

I describe an inexpensive supplemental strategy to radically lower the damage from exposure to gamma radiation by commercial flying

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Lessons from the Smallpox Vaccine

 The smallpox vaccine was an unproven therapy promoted by a conman the medical community was initially skeptical of. However, once doctors were paid to administer it and supported by the state for doing so, they reversed their position

The smallpox vaccine caused a wide range of severe injuries, and rather than prevent smallpox, frequently caused outbreaks. Rather than reconsider the vaccine, governments and doctors covered it up and doubled down on the vaccine — something almost identical to what we saw throughout COVID-19

Increasingly draconian vaccine mandates led to greater and greater public protest, which culminated a century after the vaccine’s invention with the vaccination mandates being overturned — which not long after was followed by the disappearance of smallpox

Physicians who were able to observe the introduction of the vaccine cataloged a remarkable number of health complications develop in their patients. Many of these illnesses have since come to be seen as “normal” and the more severe ones parallel injuries observed with the COVID-19 vaccines

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Sunday, November 26, 2023

EU: Bayer can poison people 10 years more !

Despite a growing block of opposition to it, the European Union has voted to give glyphosate another 10 years of life for use with crops grown with chemicals like Roundup. The German government & Bayer used their power and money to "convince" the EU.

Originally a Monsanto product, Bayer a big German chemical company, now owns Roundup, along with billions of dollars in lawsuits of consumers claiming the herbicide caused their cancers.

Bayer bought Monsanto for $63 billion in 2018 and announced it would pay up to $10.9 billion to settle about 125,000 filed and unfiled claims.

Ibuprofen Alters Human Physiology

Taking 1,200 mg of ibuprofen for six weeks, commonly used in chronic pain, induced compensated hypogonadism, a condition in which a reduction in luteinizing hormone causes the body to work harder to produce testosterone, a situation which may lead to overt hypogonadism where testosterone levels drop

Data demonstrates human sperm count and concentration is dropping worldwide, likely related to multiple factors, including exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, temperature, lifestyle factors and weight, to name a few

Many take ibuprofen in amounts higher than recommended on the bottle, in spite of multiple studies demonstrating it is associated with heart, muscle, kidney and liver damage

Drug-free pain control is possible in many cases; begin with ensuring you get at least eight hours of quality sleep each night and radically reduce your grain and sugar intake to minimize in§ammation; optimize your vitamin D level and try the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Eggs & liver keep you healthy

Refined carbs, sugar and trans fats found in processed foods are the primary dietary culprits causing heart disease, not saturated fat or cholesterol

While the dangers of trans fats are now becoming widely recognized, the recommended replacement — vegetable oils — may actually be even more harmful

When heated, vegetable oils degrade into extremely toxic oxidation products, including cyclic aldehydes, which cause severe inflammation and may damage your gastrointestinal tract 

Concomitant with low-fat diets becoming the cultural norm, heart disease rates have soared, clearly demonstrating saturated fat is not a contributing factor

Studies have confirmed that higher cholesterol levels are associated with better health and longer life

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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Cellphones cause cancer

In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified cellphones as a “possible human carcinogen. ” In light of three new studies, IARC is urged to upgrade it to “probable” carcinogen

In February, the findings of two National Toxicology Program (NTP) animal studies were published. Male rats exposed to cellphone radiation were more likely to develop heart tumors than unexposed rats. DNA damage and damage to heart tissue was also observed 

In March the Ramazzini Institute published a lifetime exposure study showing a clear link between cellphone radiation and Schwann cell tumors — the same kind of tumors found by NTP

Ramazzini’s study found RF radiation increased both brain and heart tumors in exposed rats. This, despite using power levels that were up to 1,000 times lower than those used in the NTP studies

The proposed transition to 5G will dramatically increase radiation exposure as it will require the installation of small antennas every 250 feet or so to ensure connectivity

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