Showing posts with label DNA schade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DNA schade. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2023

UV nail drying devices damage DNA

Ultraviolet (UV) light nail polish dryers used by nail salons to set nail gel commonly emit
UVA light. Researchers have found consistent exposure can increase the risk of
developing skin cancer on your ¦ngers

One 20-minute session under UVA light damages 20% to 30% of DNA, much of which
does not repair, and causes mitochondrial dysfunction. Three consecutive 20-minute
exposures resulted in 65% to 70% of cell death

Personal care products are poorly regulated, and laws have remained unchanged since
1938. Popular hair straightening product is linked to an increased risk of uterine cancers

Sunscreens are another product with ingredients that can accumulate in your body at
unhealthy levels. The FDA con¦rms there is an additive effect to the exposure to benzene,
avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene and octinoxate, to name a few

Very few chemicals are safety tested and even then may not be safe as they are tested
individually under lab conditions and you use them in combination in real-world

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola 

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