It’s Mercury Awareness Week, when we focus attention on stopping, once and for all, the placement of mercury in the mouths of human beings; those amalgam dental fillings, often misleadingly sold as “silver filings,” are really 50% mercury
The game changer for American dentistry came in September 2020 — Consumers for Dental Choice, via the campaign we describe here, persuaded the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to reverse course and condemn amalgam use for children, young women and those with kidney disease, neurological disease or mercury hypersensitivity; Charlie Brown, leader of this group, shows that you can beat city hall
Stepping up to the plate, I will match every dollar you donate to Consumers for Dental Choice, whose sole mission is to win mercury-free dentistry for the U.S. and the world
This offer runs until Saturday midnight, September 11, 2021, and I will match funds up to $150,000 — the biggest drive we’ve ever had for this cause; Consumers for Dental Choice, I assure you, spends every dollar it receives efficiently and effectively
Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola
George W. Bush: The terrorists want to change our lifestyle