Friday, January 12, 2024

Chewing gum is not so harmless

Global chewing gum sales are expected to reach $48.68 billion in 2025, but there are downsides to gum chewing to be aware of

If you chew gum excessively, it signals to your body that it’s time to digest food when it’s really not, which could have health implications

When you chew gum, it may increase the amount of air and saliva that you swallow, leading to bloating, pressure on the stomach and possibly worsened acid reflux symptoms 

Gum is essentially made of plastic and often contains titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles, artificial colors and other harmful additives

Chewing gum is also linked to headaches and temporomandibular disorders, and poses a significant threat to the environment due to plastic pollution

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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Covid shots & boosters make the virus more dangerous

The latest SARS-CoV2 variant, JN 1, was first detected in the U.S. in September 2023. By mid-December, it accounted for about half of all COVID cases in the country

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , the rapid spread of JN 1 suggests it may be more transmissible and/or has greater immune-evading abilities

A vaccinology concept called "immune refocusing" explains how more dangerous viruses can be created by leaky vaccines that do not prevent infection

By continuing with boosters, we accelerate immune escape. Over time, variants will get better and better at evading our immune responses, and those who keep taking boosters will be the most vulnerable to infection of all

Because of the mutations ween in JN 1, vaccinologist Geert VANden Bossche, Ph.D., predicts we will "very soon" see variants that are more virulent but less infectious. If this happens, healthy unjabbed individuals are unlikely to be affected because their first line of defense - their innate immune system - still works as it should. The jabbed, on the other hand, whose innate immune systems have not been trained, and whose adaptive immune systems have become increasingly useless, will be at very high risk of severe complications and death


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Only use CPR with a defibrillator

CPR classes were introduced to the public in 1972; after decades of data, a 2010 study showed the overall survival rate of CPR outside the hospital was 7.6% in a cohort of 142,720 people. Another study demonstrated those with underlying chronic disease generally had worse outcomes than those without chronic disease

A significant factor that influences CPR outcome is the reason for the cardiac arrest. When your heart stops because of an abnormal heart rhythm, such as tachycardia or fibrillation, the process can be reversible with a defibrillator. Those with a shockable rhythm had a nearly three-fold higher odds of 30-day survival

The coronary artery calcium measurement or CAC score, may be the “master measure for cardiac disease, " according to Ivor Cummins and which the American Heart Association says is one way to estimate the risk of heart attack or stroke

Your cardiovascular system is influenced by several factors, including nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress and medications. Each plays a unique role in supporting or damaging cardiovascular health. Consider this list of suggested factors and links to articles with more in-depth information to help you on your journey to better health

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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

First milk crucial for surival

Colostrum, or first milk, is the substance that all mammals produce in the first few days after giving birth. Knowing the female & the baby, it is designed to provide a rich, concentrated source of nutrition to the newborn, colostrum has a different composition from mature milk, including more fat, protein, peptides, vitamins, hormones and growth factors, along with less lactose

Among the most important compounds in colostrum are antimicrobial factors that stimulate immune system development

The gastrointestinal tract also benefits from colostrum intake, as do the metabolic and endocrine systems; it’s also useful for muscular-skeletal repair and growth 

Colostrum is a rich source of antibodies, including immunoglobulins that “lay the foundation of lifelong immunity”

Colostrum’s ability to heal the mucosal barrier in the gut makes it ideal for gastrointestinal health, especially in disorders that involve failure of the mucosal barrier, such as inflammatory bowel disease

Lactoferrin in colostrum promotes the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines that may help prevent infections and sepsis; lactoferrin also has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, antitumor and immunomodulatory effects

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Sitting too long causes problems

There are about 10,000 publications showing that prolonged sitting is harmful to your health and promotes chronic diseases, including obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Within 90 seconds of rising from sitting to standing, the muscular and cellular systems that process blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol — which are mediated by insulin — are activated. All of these molecular effects are activated simply by carrying your bodyweight upon your legs 

Even if you get 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each week, there’s still a dose-response association of sitting with waist circumference, systolic blood pressure and glucose levels — a phenomenon referred to as “active couch potato syndrome”

At bare minimum, avoid sitting for more than 50 minutes out of every hour. Ideally, limit sitting to three hours or less

According to biological anthropologists, the fossil record suggests that when early man traded their nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyles for a more settled one, it resulted in a less dense bone structure 

Recent research shows moderate exercise loosely defined as exerting yourself to the point where you're slightly winded but can carry on a conversationimproves all-cause survival two times better than vigorous exercise, and that more is better. It cannot be overdone

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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Attacking mankind by attacking gender

While it seems the transgender ideology came out of nowhere, schools have been teaching children that their identity is separate from their biology, and that gender is a choice, for a long time. Today, transgender ideology is being taught to children as early as preschool

Transgenderism is primarily a social contagion, although exposure to synthetic chemicals, in utero and in early life, may play a role in some cases, especially in boys identifying as girls

Classic gender dysphoria primarily affected boys, and always presented at a very early age. Now, teens and young adults claim they’re transgender, which was never the case before. Girls identifying as boys now make up about 60% of cases 

Many in the affirmative care field insist that you can block puberty without negative effects and that hormone therapy effects are reversible, neither of which is true. Proponents of transgender ideology also claim that unless trans kids are affirmed in their new identities and provided medical and surgical treatment to transition, they’re at high risk of suicide, and that’s not true either

“Lost in Trans Nation, ” written by Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and board-certified medical doctor, provides parents with the required knowledge and tools to protect their children from the transgender ideology contagion

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Boost your heart & bones with Vitamin K2

Vitamin K1 is important for proper blood clotting. Vitamin K2 works synergistically with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D to impart a number of important health benefits

Vitamin K2 deficiency produces the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity, which includes inappropriate calcification of soft tissues that can lead to atherosclerosis

Health benefits of vitamin K2 include preventing osteoporosis and heart disease, optimizing sexual function, reducing your risk of diabetes and cancer, improving symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and knee osteoarthritis and more 

Research found taking 180 micrograms per day of MK-7 vitamin K2 for three years improved arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women, especially those who had a high degree of arterial stiffness

Pooled evidence show vitamin K2 supplementation can reduce vertebral fractures by 60% and hip and other nonvertebral fractures by 80%

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