Friday, January 5, 2024

10 health boosters

While I do not recommend relying on supplements for your daily nutrition, depending on your state of health, there may be instances where you need one or more supplements to address a nutritional deficiency or ailment

Ten of the most popular nutritional supplements include ashwagandha, berberine, B vitamins, including B12, collagen, creatine, omega-3, magnesium, vitamin D and NAD+ precursors such as niacinamide 

Some nutritional deficiencies are so widespread, thanks to soil depletion and reliance on processed foods, that just about everyone can benefit from supplementation. This is the case for magnesium and B vitamins in particular

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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Tips against fainting

The vagus nerve’s connection to your heart may be involved in triggering people to faint

Your heart sends signals to your brain via the vagus nerve, and a disruption in these signals may be responsible for fainting

Autonomic dysfunction is common in patients with long COVID, including symptoms like dizziness and fainting, and it’s possible COVID-19 may influence signals passing through the vagus nerve

A disruption in blood flow of even a few seconds is all it takes to cause fainting or loss of consciousness

If you start to feel dizzy, lightheaded and clammy, and your vision gets blurry or filled with spots, sit or lie down immediately; this will reduce your chances of getting hurt by falling, and the horizontal position helps get blood flowing to your head

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New issues with Covid shots !

According to research published in December 2023, the mRNA COVID shots suffer high rates of ribosomal “frameshifting, ” which causes your cells to produce off-target proteins that can trigger unintended immune reactions

According to the authors, off-target cellular immune responses occur in 25% to 30% of people who have received the COVID shot

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration are refusing to release the RNA stability data they supposedly relied on
when approving a change to Pfizer’s shot that allowed it to be transported and stored at temperatures of -20 degrees Celsius instead of -70 C 

The FDA also authorized Pfizer to swap the phosphate-buffered saline buffer used in the adult formulations, to a tromethamine (Tris) buffer in the children’s version. FDA did not require any kind of testing to be conducted, and no data have been released in support of its decision to allow the swap

According to research published in 2023, the nanolipid in Comirnaty, made by Pfizer/BioNTech, is toxic to cells and triggers proinflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species that can disrupt the mitochondrial membrane causing it to release its content, cause RNA mistranslation, DNA mutations, destruction of the nuclear membrane and more. Frequent repetitions of COVID boosters and/or using mRNA in other vaccines poses a grave public health risk, the scientist warns

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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Polyphenols good for cancer & heart

Polyphenols are natural plant chemicals with powerful antioxidant properties that help combat inflammation, cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, osteoporosis, insulin resistance and more

Polyphenols help protect your heart health by enhancing bioactivity of flavonoids in the lining of your blood vessels; reducing clumping of platelets in your blood; scavenging free radicals and lowering inflammation

Animal research found purple potatoes lowered proinflammatory interleukin-6 — a protein known to promote colon cancer — nearly sixfold compared to the control diet in pigs

A drawback of potatoes is they’re high in starch. By cooling cooked potatoes in the refrigerator, a significant portion of the starch will transform into gut-healthy digestive resistant starch

Other research shows polyphenols help inhibit proliferation of colon cancer cells and induce cancer cell apoptosis (programmed cell death) through oxidant-mediated mechanisms

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Electromagnetic interference causing diseases

Many diseases of civilization, especially cancer, are related to an artifact of electricity: electromagnetic interference (EMI) or “dirty electricity. ” Historical data also suggests electrification has lowered life expectancy

EMI is biologically active and affects mitochondrial function, which we’ve now come to appreciate is at the heart of virtually all chronic disease 

Cancers appear to be frequency-specific, meaning certain frequencies cause specific cancers. Male breast cancer is a sentinel for EMI exposure

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Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Antidepressants trigger mass shootings

SSRI antidepressants have a variety of horrendous side effects. These include sometimes causing the individual to become agitated, feeling they can’t be in their skin, turning psychotic, and occasionally becoming violently psychotic

During these psychoses, individuals can have out of body experiences where they commit lethal violence either to themselves or others

As lawsuits later showed, this violent behavior (and the frequent suicides that followed it) were observed throughout the SSRI clinical trials, but were covered up by the SSRI manufacturers and then the drug regulators (e.g., the FDA) 

Once the SSRIs entered the market, there has been a wave of SSRI suicides and unspeakable acts of violence

Sadly, the idea that SSRIs could cause any of this has always been viewed as a “conspiracy theory” or “mistaking correlation with causation” because very few are aware of the extensive evidence linking SSRIs to violent and psychotic behavior — despite it now being on the warning label of those drugs

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Monday, January 1, 2024

Contaminated medicines

Biological contamination of pharmaceutical products and hospital-acquired infections are not uncommon but they rarely get the massive attention they deserve

Pharmaceutical giants regularly recall their products due to contamination — and that is just when they get “caught”

In 2012, a multistate outbreak of fungal meningitis was linked to contaminated steroid injections; a compounding pharmacy in Massachusetts was blamed 

In 2021, David Stonebrook filed a lawsuit, alleging unsanitary conditions at the facilities where they packaged components used in the production of Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines

Under the “new normal, due to apathy and overall decline, the real-life sanitary standards are getting worse

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