Friday, August 6, 2021

Obesity worsens Covid-19

According to Joel Hirschhorn, member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and America’s Frontline Doctors, governments have missed a public health opportunity by not issuing recommendations for effective and sustainable weight loss to lower your risk for severe COVID-19 infection and death

Research has shown vaccines tend to be less effective in obese individuals, and if that holds true for injected gene therapeutics against COVID, then the shots may turn out disappointing results, seeing how 42.4% of Americans are obese

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has detailed the connection between COVID-19 severity and obesity, admitting that obesity is associated with worse COVID-19 outcomes   

According to the CDC, modeling suggests 30.2% of all American adults hospitalized for COVID-19 up until November 18, 2020, could be attributed to obesity, and the greater your body mass index (BMI) the higher your risks for a poor outcome gets
Obesity increases your risk of severe COVID-19 illness and triples your risk of hospitalization. It impairs your immune function, decreases your lung capacity and increases your risk of ending up on invasive mechanical ventilation. Obesity is also associated with chronic inflammation that can disrupt thrombogenic responses to pathogen

Coronavirus Spreading Among the Vaccinated in Highly Vaccinated Countries

A recent study published by King's College in London, which operates the ZOE COVID Study app to monitor COVID infection and vaccination rates, found that, as of July 15, 2021, there was an average of 15,537 new daily symptomatic cases COVID-19 among partly or fully vaccinated people in the United Kingdom—an increase of 40 percent from the previous week's total of 11,084 new cases.1,2
Infections in Vaccinated People in U.K. Are Outpacing Infections in the Unvaccinated

The Zoe COVID Study, led by epidemiologist Tim Spector, MD, of Kings College in London, estimated that there were 17,581 new daily symptomatic cases of COVID-19 in unvaccinated people, or 22 percent less than the previous week's total of 22,638 new cases.

According to a press release issued by the study's authors, "With cases in the vaccinated group continuing to rise, the number of new cases in the vaccinated population is set to overtake the unvaccinated in the coming days."3,4

On July 17, the U.K.'s Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, announced he had tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus despite having received two doses of the AstraZeneca/Oxford University's experimental AZD1222 COVID vaccine on Mar. 17 and May 16.5 In a message posted on Twitter, Javid wrote:

    "This morning I tested positive for COVID. I'm waiting for my PCR result, but thankfully I have had my jabs and symptoms are mild."6

With a population of more than 66 million people, two-thirds of adults in the U.K. have received COVID-19 vaccine, representing a total of 82,592,996 vaccinations as of July 20. Some 46,349,709 Britons have received the first dose and 36,243,287 have gotten the second dose. The country is not vaccinating children.7

The U.K. is among the most highly vaccinated countries in the world, but it is experiencing a third wave of coronavirus infections reportedly largely due to the spread of the Delta variant of the virus.8,9 Other highly vaccinated countries like Israel are also experiencing a new wave of coronavirus infections due to the Delta variant.
Most Infections in Israel Are Among Vaccinated People

In Israel, about 60 percent of the country's population of 9.3 million has received at least one dose of a COVID vaccine. About 85 percent of adults in Israel have been vaccinated. Yet most of the new coronavirus infections are occurring in vaccinated people.10

In early-July, former Health Minister Chezy Levy, MD confirmed that "55 percent of the newly infected [people in Israel] had been vaccinated."11

There has also been a concerning rise in the number of vaccinated people in Israel being hospitalized. An article in The Jerusalem Post last week noted that the Israeli Health Ministry reported 124 people had been hospitalized for COVID-19 on July 20 and that 65 percent of them were fully vaccinated. Of the 124 people, 62 were in serious condition and 70% of those patients were fully vaccinated.12

Earlier this month, the Health Ministry estimated that the Pfizer/BioNTech's BNT162b2 COVID biologic was only 64 percent effective in preventing symptomatic infections of COVID-19, specifically those caused by the Delta variant. But the effectiveness rate for Pfizer's experimental COVID vaccine in preventing infection (and transmission) could be lower.13

"We do not know exactly to what degree the vaccine helps, but it is significantly less," said Israel's Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.14
Infections in Chile, Seychelles and Mongolia Mostly in Vaccinated People

Another example of a highly vaccinated country which has been experiencing a new outbreak of coronavirus infections mostly among its vaccinated population is Chile. Of the thousands of new coronavirus cases being reported daily in that country, 80 percent of them are in vaccinated people. Chile has fully vaccinated 55 percent of its population.15

The examples of the U.K., Israel and Chile, as well as other highly vaccinated countries like the Seychelles and Mongolia experiencing coronavirus infections mostly within the vaccinated segments of their populations pose a dilemma.16 The governments of these countries have to decide if the problem is that not enough of their people have been vaccinated, or that the vaccines are simply not as effective as initially assumed they would be.
Could Vaccinations Be Causing Rise in Infections?

There is also a third possible problem which was raised by French virologist and Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier, MD in May 2021. In an interview with Pierre Barnérias of Hold-Up Media, Dr. Montagnier said he believed that the mass vaccination programs for COVID may actually be causing SARS-CoV-2 mutations like the Delta variant and, thus, prolonging the pandemic.17

Dr. Montagnier explained that in each country that undertakes a mass vaccination campaign, "the curve of vaccinations is followed by the curve of deaths." He said that the COVID vaccines create antibodies that force the virus to "find another solution" or "die," adding that it is the variants that "are a production and result from the vaccination."18

Dr. Montagnier's views are admittedly controversial. The thought that vaccinations may actually be exacerbating the COVID pandemic is perhaps too difficult a concept for government officials to consider. But this possibility should not be dismissed outright.

One of the best explanations of this dynamic was given by Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) in a 2011 interview when she described the evolution of pertussis bacteria to evade the vaccines:

    "[E]very life form wants to live, wants to survive. Universal principle. And viruses and bacteria are no exception. And when you put a pressure on a virus or bacteria that's circulating, with the use of a vaccine that contains a lab-altered form of that virus or bacteria, it doesn't seem that it would be illogical to understand that that organism is going to fight to survive, it's going to find a way to adapt in order to survive."19

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Previous Infection Just as Protective as Vaccine

Two recent studies — one that tested an entire town in Italy — show that antibodies naturally acquired after having a COVID infection last at least nine months and a previous infection with COVID is just as protective as a vaccine.

Researchers from the University of Padua and Imperial College London also found that the symptoms and severity of a COVID infection have no bearing on a person’s immunity response. There also was no difference in immunity between people who had severe symptoms of COVID-19 and those who had no symptoms at all.

Scientists said behavioral factors that could help reduce the transmission of COVID include social distancing, limiting the number of contacts and mask wearing, even among highly vaccinated groups.

"There may be people who get infected with this variant even though they are vaccinated or were previously infected, but they shouldn't get severe disease," said study lead Yoshihiro Kawaoka, a professor of virology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine and the University of Tokyo.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Hersenen van blinden herstructureren zich om andere zintuigen te verbeteren

Volgens een nieuwe studie maken de hersenen van blindgeborenen nieuwe verbindingen in afwezigheid van visuele informatie, wat resulteert in verbeterde, compenserende vaardigheden zoals beter horen, ruiken en aanraken en cognitieve functies (zoals geheugen en taal).

Een ander leven

De studie beschrijft voor het eerst de gecombineerde structurele, functionele en anatomische veranderingen in de hersenen van blindgeborenen die niet bij normaal ziende mensen aanwezig zijn. Hoofdonderzoeker Corinna M. Bauer: "We zagen significante veranderingen niet alleen in de occipitale cortex (waar het zicht wordt verwerkt), maar ook in gebieden die betrokken zijn bij het geheugen, taalverwerking en sensomotorische functies"

De wetenschappers onderzochten met MRI multimodale beeldvorming technieken een groep van 12 proefpersonen met vroege blindheid (blind vóór de leeftijd van 3 of blindgeborenen) en vergeleken ze met 16 normale proefpersonen van dezelfde leeftijdscategorie. Op de scans van mensen met vroege blindheid, zagen de onderzoekers structurele en functionele veranderingen in connectiviteit, verbeterde verbindingen en informatie uitwisseling tussen de gebieden van de hersenen die ze niet waarnamen bij de normale groep.

Deze bijzondere verbindingen bij blinden ontstaan doordat de hersenen bij afwezigheid van visuele informatie, zich herstructureren om andere zintuigen te verbeteren.
Verbeterde verbindingen in de hersenen
Het menselijk lichaam is een mirakel, uniek ontworpen en gecreëerd. Alle organen en lichaamsprocessen zijn met elkaar verbonden. Als bepaalde organen niet goed functioneren komen andere mechanismen te hulp.

Lesen Sie diesen Beitrag in deutscher Sprache   

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Gezond eten kan ernstige depressies genezen

Een nieuw test van Deakin University heeft voor de eerste keer aangetoond dat gezonder eten een zware depressie kan genezen. Hoofdonderzoekster prof. Jacka: "Dit is het geval in verschillende landen, culturen en leeftijdsgroepen. Gezonde voeding is geassocieerd met een verlaagd risico op depressie."

In de studie, werden volwassenen met een depressieve stoornis, voor een periode van drie maanden, willekeurig toegewezen aan ofwel sociale ondersteuning, waarvan bekend is dat het nuttig is voor mensen met een depressie, ofwel ondersteuning van een klinische diëtist.

Depressie kan psychologische en fysieke klachten veroorzaken

De dieet groep kreeg informatie en hulp om de kwaliteit van hun huidige dieet te verbeteren, met de nadruk op het verhogen van de consumptie van groenten, fruit, volkoren producten, peulvruchten, vis, mager rood vlees, olijfolie en noten en het verminderen van ongezonde voedingsmiddelen, zoals snoep, geraffineerde granen, gefrituurd voedsel, fast-food, vleeswaren en suikerhoudende dranken.

De resultaten van de studie toonden aan dat de deelnemers aan de dieet groep een veel grotere vermindering van hun depressieve symptomen hadden dan de deelnemers in de sociale steungroep. Degenen die het dieet programma strikt volgden hadden de meeste voordelen.

Professor Jacka: "Psychische stoornissen zijn de belangrijkste oorzaak van invaliditeit in de wereld. Depressie heeft daarbij een groot aandeel. Belangrijk is dat depressie en veel voorkomende ziekten zoals obesitas, type 2 diabetes en hart-en vaatziekten, elkaar stimuleren. Verbetering van de voeding zou dan ook deze ziekten ten goede komen."

Gezond eten heeft vele voordelen

U ziet het, de oplossing is simpel: goede voeding.
Medicijnen zijn duur, ineffectief en hebben vele bijwerkingen.

Lesen Sie diesen Beitrag in deutscher Sprache   

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Hormonale anticonceptiemiddelen en haarverf verhogen het risico op borstkanker

Leeftijd is de belangrijkste risicofactor voor borstkanker maar een nieuwe studie suggereert dat het gebruik van hormonale spiraaltjes en haarverf het risico op borstkanker verhoogt.

Sanna Heikkinen van de Universiteit van Helsinki en de Finse Kankerregistratie evalueerde de gevolgen van het gebruik van hormonale anticonceptiemiddelen en haarkleurmiddelen voor borstkanker. De analyse omvatte de enquête gegevens van 8000 borstkankerpatiënten en de gegevens van 20.000 controles uit Finland.

Pijnlijk en ongezond
Ze zag dat, in vergelijking met koperen spiraaltjes, het gebruik van hormonale spiraaltjes het risico op borstkanker bij post-menopauzale vrouwen met 52% verhoogde. Daarentegen verhoogde het gebruik van andere hormonale voorbehoedsmiddelen bij jongere vrouwen onder de 50, in vergelijking met vrouwen die geen hormonale anticonceptie gebruikten, het risico op borstkanker met 32%. En vrouwen die hun haar geverfd hadden, hadden 23% meer kans op borstkanker.

Heikkinen : "De grootste risicofactor voor borstkanker is een hoge leeftijd, en bekende leefstijlgerelateerde risicofactoren zoals late leeftijd bij de eerste geboorte, weinig kinderen, hoge alcoholconsumptie, en sedentaire levensstijl".

Veel van deze factoren komen in westerse landen significant vaker voor, tijdens de laatste decennia. Zoals altijd is voorkomen dus beter dan genezen.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Prevention of COVID-19

Read the COVID-19 report by dr Mercola and other top physicians. The report has been reviewed by many vitamin scientists for accuracy. I believe we have a good chance of preventing a second wave of COVID-19. Increasing vitamin d levels is likely the easiest, least expensive and best solution. Vitamins and especially our liposomal vitamins are essential in staying healthy

Read it , share it !!

Click here to read the extended report