Friday, December 31, 2021

Huge pressure on scientists to mandate jabs for life

Another cache of emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) reveals Dr. Anthony Fauci and his boss, National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins, colluded to quash dissenting views on the lockdowns
October 4, 2020, three medical professors — Martin Kulldorff from Harvard, Sunetra Gupta from Oxford and Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford — launched the Great Barrington Declaration, which called for focused protection of high-risk individuals rather than the continuation of blanket lockdowns

As support of the declaration rapidly spread, Fauci and Collins discussed how they could stop the call for a sane, science-based approach. In an email to Fauci, Collins wrote, “There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premises”
The emails between Fauci and Collins are the smoking gun showing that it is they who are waging war against science
Despite having a combined annual budget of $58 billion, and a combined staff of 31,000, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the NIH/NIAID have not yet conducted an actual study to determine how natural immunity stacks up against the COVID jab, likely because they don’t want to know the answer

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Ultraprocessed food makes vulnerable to diseases

A diet of ultraprocessed food makes people more susceptible to COVID-19 by causing metabolic dysfunction and harm to the immune system
Ultraprocessed food increases the risk of obesity, cancer, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and gallstones and compromises the gut microbiome
Ultraprocessed food increases how fast people eat and delays how full they feel

Food giants have targeted those with low incomes with aggressive marketing of ultraprocessed food, causing disproportionate health problems in some communities
Ultraprocessed food relies on environmentally destructive monocrop farming, concentrated animal feeding operations, fertilizers and pesticides

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Implanted vaccine passports

In a short video that quickly went viral across social media, the Swedish company Epicenter promoted the company's biochip technology to monitor vaccine status. Swedish government is heavily invested in technology, which drives Sweden's economy
One study found mandating a vaccine passport leveraged an uptick in accepting COVID-19 genetic therapy injections, especially those 20 to 49 years; this move essentially threatens people to get injections or risk being marginalized

Other implanted passport technology includes a dissolvable microneedle transdermal patch that injects the vaccine and quantum microdots with vaccine information to "label people" or tattooing a QR code with the digital information
Digital IDs are about control and profit, creating a system where people must rely on a chip for banking, food, health care, everyday purchases and more. Together, there are steps we can and must take to impede the movement toward enslaving society

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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Never ending boosters will destroy your immune system

The COVID shots reprogram your immune system to respond in a dysfunctional manner. Aside from increasing vulnerability to infections, this can also result in autoimmune diseases and cancer
A paper published in early May 2021 reported the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID jab “reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses,” causing immune depletion

Antigens in vaccines have been shown to induce defects in the immune system that can raise the risk of autoimmune diseases
Leaky or nonsterilizing vaccines can also trigger the evolution of more hazardous viruses, and the COVID jabs are among the leakiest “vaccines” ever created
According to health authorities, the vaccine-evading Omicron variant necessitates a third COVID injection, but this recommendation will only perpetuate mutation

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Insecticides threaten ecosystem

A majority of soybean, corn, canola and sunflower seeds planted in the U.S. are precoated with neonicotinoid insecticides, also known as “neonics.” More than half of garden plants attractive to bees sold at garden centers are also pretreated with these toxic pesticides
Neonics have been shown to threaten the entire food chain, having toxic effects not just on pollinators such as bees, but also invertebrates, birds and other wildlife

American agricultural land is now 48 times more toxic to insects than it was two decades ago, and between 1992 and 2014, neonicotinoids accounted for 92% of the total acute insecticide toxicity load
Neonics affect migration behavior of songbirds by affecting their feeding patterns and fat stores. The chemicals act as a rapid appetite suppressant
Research by the EPA in 2014 and 2019 concluded that neonicotinoid-treated seeds provide no significant financial or agricultural benefits for farmers

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Japan warns about Covid injection risks

Japan has taken steps to warn its citizens about serious side effects linked to COVID-19 injections
They’ve added a warning label to the jabs, warning about the risk of myocarditis — inflammation of the heart muscle
Japan is also taking strict measures to monitor and report all side effects to the unprecedented jabs
Hospitals must report, in detail, any adverse effects that occur within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 injection

Japan’s Ministry of Health includes a “consent to vaccination” section on its website, which states mandatory vaccination and discrimination against those who choose not to be vaccinated are not advised; this includes at workplaces, which are told not to force anyone to get injected
Japan is standing out as a protector of informed consent and medical freedom, during a time in history when many other countries are opting for totalitarian control

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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Vitamin B12 prevents depression

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found an association between vitamin B12 deficiency and the incidence of depression in older people living in the community
Older adults with low levels had a 51% increased risk of developing depression during the study. Low levels of vitamin B12 may result from poor diet, or poor absorption related to lower levels of pepsin secretion that releases vitamin B12 from food

Other nutrient deficiencies are also associated with depression, including vitamin D and a low omega-3 index. Vitamin D deficiency may result from limited exposure to sunlight, inadequate absorption or poor conversion to the active form
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain health, blood clotting, muscle activity and more. The omega-3 index is lowest in North America, Europe, Central and South America, Africa and the Middle East. Deficiency contributes to mood disorders, including depression

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Biotin for hair, nails & thyroid

Dermatologists frequently prescribe biotin for people with hair loss, despite a paucity of research proving it helps
Biotin insufficiency is more rare than other nutritional deficiencies but it does happen, leading to hair loss, depression, loss of appetite and numbness and tingling 

Biotin is important in metabolism, having demonstrated the ability to improve glycemic control and strengthen nails
Supplementation can alter blood tests, including for thyroid, vitamin D and troponin, a marker of cardiac health

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Health benefits of Quercetin

Quercetin works much like hydroxychloroquine, a drug found to be effective against SARS-CoV-2 when used early enough. Both are zinc ionophores, meaning they shuttle antiviral zinc into your cells
The Front Line Critical COVID-19 Care Alliance’s early treatment protocol includes quercetin at a dose of 250 milligrams twice a day, in combination with 100 mg elemental zinc and 500 mg to 1,000 mg of vitamin C twice a day

Quercetin also has other mechanisms of action that make it useful in the fight against COVID-19. For example, it may inhibit SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to ACE2 receptor docking. By binding to the ACE2 receptor and the spike protein interface, quercetin inhibits viral attachment and entry into the cell
Quercetin also modulates NLRP3 inflammasome, an immune system component involved in the uncontrolled release of proinflammatory cytokines that occurs during a cytokine storm
Quercetin-rich foods include onions and shallots, apples, broccoli, asparagus, green peppers, tomatoes, red leaf lettuce, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, black currants and green tea

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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The reason to give COVID jabs to kids

Analyzing the Legalities of the COVID-19 Vaccine Among the 5-to-11-Year Old Demographic:

A Special Interview With Alix Mayer


The reason our children are being targeted by COVID mandates is because vaccine makers want to get the shots onto the childhood vaccination schedule
Once a vaccine is added to the childhood schedule, the vaccine maker is shielded from financial liability for injuries, unless the manufacturer knows about vaccine safety issues and withholds that information
Products must satisfy four criteria in order to get emergency use authorization: There must be an emergency; a vaccine must be at least 30% to 50% effective; the known and potential benefits of the product must outweigh the known and potential risks of the product; and there can be no adequate, approved and available alternative treatments (drugs or vaccines). Unless all four criteria are met, EUA cannot be granted or maintained


According to a U.S. federal court decision, the Pfizer shot and BioNTech’s Comirnaty are not interchangeable
Comirnaty is not fully approved and licensed. It’s only “ready for approval.” Comirnaty is licensed to be manufactured, introduced into state commerce and marketed, but it's not licensed to be given to anyone, and it's not yet available in the United States. They’re waiting for it to be added to the childhood vaccination schedule, to get the liability shield 

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The history of psychiatry

Abolishing Toxic Psychiatry One Damaging Treatment at a Time:

A Special Interview With Dr. Peter Breggin


Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist, is frequently referred to as “the conscience of psychiatry” because he's been able to successfully reform the psychiatric profession, abolishing lobotomies and other experimental psychosurgeries
Breggin refers to lobotomies as a rape of the soul, the permanent mutilation of an individual’s selfhood, as damage to one area of the brain will harm the integration of the whole brain


Breggin also had a hand in getting the word out about the dangers of Prozac
Psychiatric drugs only stifle the brain function of patients. While they might ease some of the suffering, that relief comes at the expense of brain damage
One psychiatric treatment Breggin has not been able to eliminate is electroshock treatment, which is actually starting to be used more and more. Transcranial direct current stimulation and Neuralink, a transcranial implant designed by the Elon Musk Company, pose severe risks to your brain health and function

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Treatments for COVID-19 Reviewed

A Review of the Outpatient Treatment Methods for COVID-19:

A Special Interview With Dr. Pierre Kory


 From the start of the COVID pandemic, doctors were told they could not use any treatment that had not undergone randomized controlled trials. Most all clinical successes have been ignored and vehemently opposed
The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) was among the first to publish COVID treatment guidance. They have since developed protocols for prevention, early at-home treatment, in-hospital treatment and maintenance guidance for long-haul COVID syndrome that are updated as more becomes known


Corticosteroids can be an effective tool for reducing inflammation in general, but they appear particularly important for advanced COVID infection. Steroids should not be used early on, but can be lifesaving after you develop signs of lung dysfunction and increased oxygen requirement
Ivermectin has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial in all stages of COVID-19, from prevention to advanced illness
Other effective protocols include the AAPS protocol, Tess Laurie’s World Council for Health protocol and the America’s Frontline Doctors’ protocol

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Monday, December 27, 2021

In loving memory of our loved ones

Every minute of our lives is precious. The only thing we know for 100% is, that our time on earth is limited. Yet we’re being urged again this year to consider whether getting together with loved ones for Christmas is really worth the risk

There are no guarantees that any one of us will see the sun rise tomorrow. In the past, most of us have braved the wild unknown to see our loved ones. So let's use our time wisely and enjoy life.

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Sunday, December 26, 2021

The last year without family at Christmas?

Thanksgiving gatherings were discouraged once again in many parts of the U.S., and many government leaders are now urging residents to cancel their Christmas celebrations too
The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic has little to do with the spread of an actual virus, and everything to do with the planned global takeover and implementation of a technocratic agenda known as the Great Reset

Mask mandates, social distancing, business shutdowns and online working and learning are all forms of “soft indoctrination” to get us used to a way of life devoid of our rights and freedoms
While the Great Reset plan is being sold as a way to make life fair and equitable for all, it’s really a wealth redistribution scheme that transfers wealth from the working class to the technocratic elite

The mass vaccination and boosters-for-life agenda are part of the technocratic coup underway. They are scheming, but the mighty one is planning too and he is the best of planners.

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Saturday, December 25, 2021

Eat fermented foods to live longer

Countries that consume higher amounts of traditionally fermented foods have lower COVID-19 mortality rates. According to German researchers, significant changes in the microbiome caused by modern life and low fermented food consumption may have increased the spread or severity of the disease
For each gram-per-day increase in the average national consumption of fermented vegetables, the mortality risk for COVID-19 decreased by 35.4%
A review of seven small clinical trials found probiotics and/or prebiotics may be helpful for those struggling with depression and anxiety

Two types of gut bacteria in particular, Coprococcus and Dialister bacteria, have been shown to be “consistently depleted” in individuals diagnosed with clinical depression
Gut bacteria associated with good mental health synthesize the dopamine metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, while those associated with depression produce Ī³-aminobutyric acid

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Dr. Oz runs for Senate to hold Fauci accountable

The Dr. Oz Show, now in its 13th season, is slated to end January 14, 2022, because Oz is running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania
Oz has been criticized during the pandemic for several controversial statements that go against the official narrative
Oz stated that Anthony Fauci should be held accountable for “misleading, whether willfully or unintentionally, the American public and the United States Congress”

In his candidacy announcement, Oz touched on the widespread censorship that ramped up during the pandemic; he’s also criticized the handling of the pandemic, including lockdowns, noting that politicians "took away our freedom without making us safer”
Years ago, I was a frequent guest on “The Dr. Oz Show,” but virtually all of the videos have been scrubbed from the internet

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American autism rate 1 in 44

In the mid-1960s, the autism rate was 1 in 10,000. By 2012, it had shot up to 1 in 88. In 2016, it was 1 in 68, and now it’s 1 in 44 8-year-olds
Rates vary widely from state to state. In California, where incidence is the highest, 1 in 26 8-year-olds has a diagnosis of autism. Missouri, which has the lowest incidence, has a rate of 1 in 60

Improved diagnosis alone cannot explain this trend. Genetics play only a minor role, and even then, primarily only when combined with toxic exposures
Glyphosate appears to be a leading contributor to autism
Other contributing factors include maternal antibodies associated with autoimmune diseases, maternal immune system overactivation and mitochondrial dysfunction (typically involving electron transport chain overactivity). Mitochondrial abnormalities are suspected of being involved in as many as 80% of cases

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Friday, December 24, 2021

Spike protein detox !

If you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection, you may have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body
Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs
The World Council for Health has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein in your body

Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include pine needles, ivermectin, neem, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione
The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC, ivermectin and magnesium

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Addicted to plastic

A number of chemicals found in plastic products are known to act as endocrine disruptors. Some of the most pervasive and well-known include phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA)
As the harms of BPA have become more widely known, many companies have started replacing it with other chemicals. However, these replacement chemicals also have no safety record, and as time goes on, we’re finding they’re just as hazardous as BPA
A study showed that 97.5% of children and adolescents had detectable levels of BPA in their urine; 87.8% had BPS; and 55.2% had BPF. All three chemicals correlated with an increased risk for obesity, even after the researchers controlled for caloric intake

A scientific review found BPB has endocrine disruptive effects; it affected reproductive function, damaging sperm and lowering egg production, lowered testosterone production and had estrogenic activity, “similar to or greater than BPA”
For the second year in a row, The Coca-Cola Co. was found to be the most polluting brand in a global audit of plastic trash. Coca-Cola is responsible for more plastic litter than the next top three polluters combined

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Microplastics damaging our cells

Plastic is a problem for the environment, wildlife and human health. Laboratory data show how microplastics at levels relevant to human consumption led to cell death and allergic reactions
Interestingly, the data also showed that irregularly shaped particles commonly found in the environment, and not the spherical microplastics normally used in lab experiments, caused damage 

Researchers have found microplastics in the air, oceans, tap water, food supply and bottled drinking water. They have also been found on the peak of Mount Everest and the deepest parts of the ocean
Evaluations of baby meconium, a newborn's first stool, had plastic chemicals, likely transferred through the placenta after the mother's exposure. Concentrations in infant stool was 10 times higher than in adults
Single-use plastic medical products rose significantly during the COVID pandemic, contributing to an excessive amount of pollution. More than 8 million tons of COVID-related plastic waste was generated globally, and more than 25,000 tons has entered the oceans

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Thursday, December 23, 2021

The most important video about COVID-19

Of the COVID-19 deaths in the U.S., none received adequate and/or early-enough treatment. At least 85% of COVID deaths were preventable
There are three components to SARS-CoV-2 infection: viral replication, cytokine storm and blood clotting, therefore necessitating a multidrug approach, and treatment must begin early to be effective


Research published in 2006 showed hydroxychloroquine reduced viral replication of SARS-CoV-1 (the original SARS virus). It also has well-established anti-inflammatory properties. These two properties help explain its usefulness against COVID-19
There were clear intentional efforts to prevent use of hydroxychloroquine against COVID-19, likely in an effort to make the COVID jabs appear necessary
You cannot get COVID-19 twice; those with natural immunity have robust, long-lasting immunity. The Pfizer COVID shot, meanwhile, has been shown to have undetectable effectiveness 201 days after the second dose and Moderna’s effectiveness reaches zero around day 121 

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More children die from Covid shots than from Covid

One team published an engineering analysis to determine the current underreporting factor (URF) from the VAERS information and found the factor to be 41. When applied against the government data they found 173% more children died from the vaccine than from the illness

Using this same URF, the number of deaths from COVID rose to 815,326 and the number permanently disabled to 1,338,404. To date, the total reported deaths from the infection is 803,043, which means the shot has killed more children and adults than the virus
Although there is little reason to give children the shot, officials are spinning the idea that it is needed for herd immunity. Yet, health officials must be aware there is a significant lack of evidence to support this, and children are dying in the process 

Pilot deaths and injuries affect commercial flights, logistical distribution of goods and military readiness. In one affidavit as part of a federal lawsuit against the military vaccine mandate, physician Lt. Col. Theresa Long alleges protocols are not followed after the COVID shot

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Tylenol in pregnancy causes autism

Abnormal hormonal exposures in pregnancy can influence fetal brain development, and research published in 2014 warned acetaminophen is in fact a hormone disruptor
According to that 2014 study, use of acetaminophen during pregnancy was associated with a 37% increased risk of the child being diagnosed with hyperkinetic disorder, a severe form of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
A 2019 study found that, compared to children of mothers with the lowest acetaminophen burden, children of mothers with the greatest exposure had a 286% higher risk for ADHD and a 362% higher risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by the time they were about 9 years old 

Findings published in 2016 revealed use of acetaminophen at 18 and 32 weeks of pregnancy were associated with a 42% higher risk of conduct problems and a 31% higher risk of hyperactivity symptoms in the child
Another 2016 investigation found children of both sexes whose mothers used acetaminophen during pregnancy were 41% more likely to present with ADHD symptoms at age 5. Boys were also more likely to have ASD

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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Honey treats respiratory infections better than "medicine"

A review of 14 studies showed honey to be superior to the usual treatment of cold symptoms in adults
It was as effective as cough medicine in children when compared to two common over-the-counter medications — dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine

Most upper respiratory tract infections are caused by viruses that do not respond to antibiotics. Using honey may slow the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria
Honey you buy from the grocery store may be adulterated or fake. Seek local producers at farmers markets and test the physical properties, including scent, thickness, taste and stickiness

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Consequences of mRNA shots

 “Worse Than the Disease: Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19,” by Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and Dr. Greg Nigh, is one of the most comprehensive descriptions of the many possible unintended consequences of the mRNA gene transfer technologies incorrectly referred to as “COVID vaccines”
As of December 3, 2021, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has logged 19,886 COVID jab related deaths. Pfizer — the only company that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted full licensing for an as-yet unavailable COVID shot — accounts for 13,268 of them

Calculations suggest VAERS COVID-related reports are underreported by a factor of 41. That means that in the U.S. alone, the actual death toll may be closer to 374,576. Including international deaths reported to VAERS would put the death toll at 815,326
Key side effects that are now being reported in massive numbers include miscarriages, heart attacks, myopericarditis, thrombocytopenia (low platelet count), shingles, Bell’s palsy and a variety of permanent disabilities, many of which involve neurological dysfunction
The side effects we now see being reported were entirely predictable based on the known science detailed in Seneff’s and Nigh’s paper

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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

VAERS data about COVID jab safety

Parsing Through the VAERS Database

A Special Interview With Jessica Rose, Ph.D.


The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is among the best adverse event data collection systems in the world, but it's antiquated and difficult to use. Still, it’s a good way to detect safety signals that weren't detected during premarket testing or clinical trials
There are unmistakable, unprecedented safety signals in VAERS for the COVID shots. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claim no deaths can be attributed to the COVID jabs, it’s impossible to discount 8,986 deaths in the U.S. territories alone, reported as of November 26, 2021 

The estimated underreporting factor for COVID jab injuries in VAERS is between 31 and 100, so the actual death toll in the U.S. could be anywhere from 278,500 to 898,600
There’s a strong safety signal for female reproductive issues and for heart inflammation (myocarditis) in young men and boys. VAERS data show an inverse relationship between myocarditis and age, with youths being more frequently affected than older men
VAERS data are being deleted without explanation. Each week, about 100 or so reports are routinely deleted, so there are now thousands of inexplicably missing reports

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Avocado oil scam

A Food Control report warns that the purity and quality of avocado oil sold in the U.S. is questionable at best, and that standards to protect consumers and genuine producers are urgently needed
A majority of commercially available avocado oils labeled as “extra virgin” and “refined” were adulterated and of poor quality; 82% were found to have gone rancid before their expiration date

Three of 22 oils were not even avocado oil but most likely soybean oil
The low quality of avocado oil is likely due to improper or prolonged storage, using damaged or rotten fruits, and/or extreme and harsh processing
Health benefits of authentic avocado oil include anti-inflammatory effects, detoxification and enhanced collagen production

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Monday, December 20, 2021

Carcinogen in hand sanitizers

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued temporary guidance in March 2020, allowing benzene in hand sanitizers at levels up to 2 parts per million (ppm)
The allowance was made due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which triggered unprecedented demand for disinfectant products like hand sanitizers
When hand sanitizer shortages emerged at the start of the pandemic, the FDA’s temporary guidance allowed manufacturers to produce the products from lower grades of ethanol 

Valisure tested 260 hand sanitizer products, including liquid and non-liquid products; they found that 44 batches, or 17%, contained benzene
The FDA finally withdrew its temporary guidances for alcohol-based hand sanitizers on October 12, 2021, but it doesn’t take effect until December 31, 2021 — nearly two years after it was issued

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Covid psychology threat

A psychological condition of society known as “mass formation psychosis” is a condition for totalitarianism. Under mass formation psychosis, a population enters a hypnotic-type trance that makes them willing to sacrifice anything, including their lives and their freedom. That’s what’s happening right now
There are four key conditions that must be in place for mass formation psychosis to occur: Lack of societal bonding, experiencing life as meaningless and senseless, widespread free-floating anxiety/free-floating discontent, and free-floating frustration/aggression

Once these four conditions are widespread, mass formation can occur, which allows for totalitarianism to rise and thrive
A key strategy to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism is to speak out against it. We also need to give those hypnotized a greater fear to replace the fear of the virus with, namely the fear of totalitarianism and the loss of their and their children’s lives, livelihoods and freedoms that go along with it
Dissenters need to join together, thereby giving fence-sitters who are not yet fully hypnotized an alternative to going along with the totalitarians

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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Molnupiravir a disaster !

An advisory panel to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration voted to grant emergency authorization to Merck’s oral COVID-19 pill molnupiravir (Lagevrio) — by a narrow 13-to-10 margin
Among those who received the drug, the rate of all-cause hospitalization or death was 6.8%, compared to 9.7% in the placebo group — a relative risk reduction of just 30%
The full data showed more hospital admissions among patients taking molnupiravir (6.2%) than among those taking a placebo (4.7%)

Molnupiravir works by triggering mutations that ultimately kill the virus; a risk of cancer and birth defects is possible, and the drug shouldn’t be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women or children
By driving mutations but not killing off all of the virus — such as if people don’t take the full course of the drug — new and deadlier variants could be unleashed across the globe
The U.S. government is already on the hook for about 3.1 million courses of molnupiravir, which it bought for approximately $2.2 billion

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Unique compunds in Moringa

Glucosinolates are phytochemical compounds that are found in cruciferous vegetables and Moringa, a plant recognized for its medicinal purposes for centuries
Glucosinolates are metabolized into bioactive isothiocyanates. The primary isothiocyanate in Moringa is moringin. Like sulforaphane in broccoli, moringin has powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects

Researchers recently discovered a novel type of glucosinolate in wild forms of Moringa oleifera dubbed 4GBGS. Domestic forms of Moringa oleifera, or those specifically grown for human consumption, also had some levels of 4GBGS, but in much lower concentrations
Moringa also contains all nine essential amino acids and has been shown to lower blood pressure, modulate immune function and protect the health of your organs
Moringa leaves are often available in a dried, powder form that you can use to make tea or add to your smoothies

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Saturday, December 18, 2021

Scientific censorship

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, shares scientific censorship that’s running rampant in medical journals
Data on repurposing existing drugs to treat COVID-19 is being blocked, rejected and buried

Scientific journals depend on revenue from selling journal reprints to pharmaceutical companies — major financial motivation to print only research that’s favorable to the pharmaceutical industry
Rampant lawlessness, in which rules and regulations about bioethics are being completely disregarded, has taken over

We're experiencing a threat of global slavery of the entire population to financial interests that can be traced back to BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world 

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Ashwagandha good for sleep & stress

Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogenic herb that helps your body adjust to stress and helps promote restful sleep
People with insomnia experienced the most improvement in their sleep patterns using ashwagandha, which was well-tolerated in people of all health conditions and ages

Ashwagandha reduced anxiety and stress, which can lead to poor performance and increase your risk of adverse health conditions if left unmanaged
Traditional use for ashwagandha is for memory enhancement; it may also improve executive function, attention and information processing 

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Phthalates linked to cardiovascular disease

Using an animal model, scientists have identified one mechanism phthalates use to drive dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease — by impacting the nuclear pregnane X receptor (PXR), part of the body's defense against foreign chemicals
The receptor is activated by several types of chemicals, including steroids, bile acids and antibiotics. It plays a role in controlling metabolism of the chemicals and influences homeostasis of steroid hormones, such as vitamin D 

Phthalates are endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are linked to obesity, neurological and learning disabilities, cardiovascular disease, birth defects and some cancers. Reductions in sperm count and fertility are associated with exposure to phthalates in utero, which is likely contributing to a 1% decline in fertility each year
There are several steps you can take each day to reduce your exposure, including using glass instead of plastic, bringing reusable bags for groceries, steering clear of plastic children’s toys, and not microwaving food in plastic containers or with plastic wrap

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Friday, December 17, 2021

FDA reversing NAC policy?

The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) and the Natural Products Association (NPA) have filed separate citizen petitions with the FDA requesting that the agency reverse their position on NAC; the agency is now asking for more information on the 58-year-old supplement
According to some legal experts, the actions taken by the FDA are not legal under U.S. code Title 21. The FDA has used the exclusion provision three other times, all of which financially benefited the pharmaceutical industry 

While past actions may have opened the door to the most recent attack against NAC, it is not difficult to understand why the FDA chooses now to target NAC, when it has demonstrated effective action against COVID-19
Evidence suggests those with a glutathione deficiency have worse outcomes with COVID-19. NAC is a precursor to glutathione and may help lower the risk of severe disease
NAC can be part of your early at-home treatment that is crucial to lowering the severity of the illness and reducing the risk of long-haul symptoms

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14 patents in fake Impossible Burger

Impossible Foods, which made headlines for its meatless burgers that “bleed” like real meat, holds 14 patents, with at least 100 more pending
Impossible Foods should be called “Impossible Patents,” according to Seth Itzkan of Soil4Climate, who suggests fake meat products are destroying the environment by perpetuating a harmful reliance on genetically engineered grains while accelerating soil loss and detracting from regenerative agriculture
Impossible Foods’ products are heavily processed and produced in laboratories — not grown in or found in nature 

Impossible Foods has even taken aim at regenerative farming practices, which are promoting optimal nutrition and health while at the same time helping to prevent pollution and restore damaged ecosystems
Impossible Foods’ numerous patents reveal that their products are driven by profits, and perhaps the ultimate goal is to replace real meat altogether with a highly lucrative patented product

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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Is Omicron lab made ?

According to media reports, the Omicron variant was discovered in Botswana, in four fully “vaccinated” individuals. Physicians in South Africa responded saying that while the variant has been detected, they are not seeing significant illness from it. All cases so far have been mild and none has required hospitalization
Omicron appears to be evading the COVID jab, resulting in breakthrough infections at a higher rate than previous variants. This is a sign that the mass vaccination campaign may be breeding “vaccine” resistance

There’s a curious feature of Omicron, however, that hints at it having been modified in a lab. The closest genetic sequences date back to mid-2020. It doesn’t seem to belong to any of the evolutionary branches that have emerged since
Omicron has 25 nonsynonymous and only one synonymous spike mutation compared to its most recent common ancestor, AV.1. Were it a natural occurrence, that ratio ought to be somewhere between 25 to 50 and 25 to 100
There’s no precedent for this oddity occurring in nature. There is, however, precedent for this in lab-leaked pandemics

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



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Bad sleep can cause cardiac death

A lack of quality sleep may be associated with nearly every heart-related death, and also may be associated with heart failure, stroke, diabetes and worsening obesity
The pandemic has had an influence on sleep quality; results from a survey show that 71.8% of people with disrupted sleep patterns used technology just before bed

Sleep deprivation is associated with several other health conditions, including atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative conditions
In one survey, it was reported that the average person got just 5.5 hours of sleep each night; sleep quality is impacted by light and EMF pollution, which you can improve

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



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Can Progesterone prevent miscarriages ?

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended women who experience bleeding early in pregnancy and have had a miscarriage be offered progesterone to reduce the risk of losing another pregnancy
The guidance is based on research evidence that shows progesterone may prevent 8,450 miscarriages each year. There are different types of progesterone, including vaginal suppositories, gel, insert, oral capsule or injection

Women may experience some side effects, including abnormal vaginal bleeding, chest pain, flu-like symptoms, unusual fatigue, and fluid retention
Pregnant women have added challenges during the pandemic including exposure to people who asymptomatically carry COVID-19. Take care to wash your hands, steer clear of drugs that have a negative effect on the growing baby, maintain healthy levels of vitamin D and seek to eat foods high in vitamin C 

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Surgeon General recommends nutraceuticals

Dr. Joseph Ladapo was appointed Florida surgeon general and secretary of the Florida Department of Health by Gov. Ron DeSantis September 21, 2021
Ladapo has now issued a statewide public service announcement in support of commonsense COVID prevention strategies such as optimizing your vitamin D, staying active, eating nutrient-dense foods and boosting your immune system with supplements such as vitamin C, quercetin and zinc

Florida Health even highlights emerging treatments such as fluvoxamine and inhaled budesonide. Importantly, Florida Health now states that “Physicians should use their clinical judgment when recommending treatment options for patients’ individualized health care needs. This may include emerging treatment options with appropriate patient informed consent, including off-label use or as part of a clinical trial”

Despite publishing a scientific review on vitamin D for COVID in the peer-reviewed journal Nutrients, and the paper being the second most downloaded article this year, I’ve been vilified and targeted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission for reporting its benefits

The evidence for vitamin D against COVID-19 satisfies Hill’s criteria for causality in a biological system, and dozens of studies have demonstrated vitamin D helps reduce all risks associated with COVID 

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Vitamin D deficiency causes illness

A wealth of data show that vitamin D levels are strongly correlated with the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection
A strong correlation was found between SARS-CoV-2 death rate and vitamin D level, such that mortality decreased significantly once vitamin D levels reached 30 ng/mL
A vitamin D blood level of 50 ng/mL “may prevent any excess mortality” from COVID-19

Vitamin D receptors are present in nearly all cells of the human immune system, including monocytes/macrophages, T cells, B cells, natural killer cells and dendritic cells
Vitamin D helps to regulate both your innate and adaptive immune systems, warding off both acute and chronic diseases, provided your levels are optimized
The best way to know how much vitamin D you need is to have your levels tested and increase sensible sun exposure and/or supplementation, aiming for a level between 60 and 80 ng/mL

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



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Study: Heart attack victims had normal cholesterol

A review of information on 136,905 people who had a heart attack showed that 72.1% had LDL cholesterol levels within the normal range
The theory that cholesterol increases heart attack risk may be the work of pharmaceutical companies chasing a bigger return on statin drugs

Vegetable oils have been promoted in place of saturated animal fat, which has been vilified. Righting this wrong is a powerful way of reversing chronic disease
Cholesterol levels are not as reliable as the omega-3 index, cholesterol ratios, fasting insulin levels and fasting blood sugar levels in predicting risk 

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Rapidly improving metabolism to fight infection

The 21-Day Immunity Plan

A Special Interview With Dr. Aseem Malhotra


While SARS-CoV-2 is a rampant virus that can cause severe problems in vulnerable individuals, the real pandemic — the underlying cause that makes people susceptible to complications from the infection in the first place — is poor metabolic health
Aside from old age, obesity has been identified as one of the primary risk factors for being hospitalized with COVID-19 — doubling the risk of hospitalization in patients under the age of 60 in one study  

One hypothesis for why obesity is worsening COVID-19 has to do with the fact that obesity causes chronic inflammation. Having more proinflammatory cytokines in circulation increases your risk of experiencing a cytokine storm
Insulin resistance is another top risk factor for COVID-19 that worsens outcomes and increases your risk of death

There are five primary parameters of metabolic health: waist circumference, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and triglyceride and HDL levels. Having three or more abnormal parameters is indicative of metabolic syndrome

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



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Treatments for COVID-19

A Special Interview With Dr. Pierre Kory


From the start of the COVID pandemic, doctors were told they could not use any treatment that had not undergone randomized controlled trials. Most all clinical successes have been ignored and vehemently opposed
The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) was among the first to publish COVID treatment guidance. They have since developed protocols for prevention, early at-home treatment, in-hospital treatment and maintenance guidance for long-haul COVID syndrome that are updated as more becomes known

Corticosteroids can be an effective tool for reducing inflammation in general, but they appear particularly important for advanced COVID infection. Steroids should not be used early on, but can be lifesaving after you develop signs of lung dysfunction and increased oxygen requirement
Ivermectin has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial in all stages of COVID-19, from prevention to advanced illness
Other effective protocols include the AAPS protocol, Tess Laurie’s World Council for Health protocol and the America’s Frontline Doctors’ protocol

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



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Monday, December 13, 2021

CoQ10 helps against chronic diseases

CoQ10 is the third-most consumed supplement, after fish oil and multivitamins
CoQ10 keeps your mitochondria healthy and plays a crucial role in the production of ATP, the cellular energy required to keep you alive

CoQ10 deficiencies have been linked to many health problems, including migraines, heart disease and cancer
Conversely, supplementing with CoQ10, or the natural form called ubiquinol, may help improve several chronic health conditions such as AFib, NAFLD and heart failure 

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola



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