Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sharp increase of ADHD

One survey found a 26.5% increase in diagnoses of attention de¦cit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adults during the pandemic lockdown; additionally, 22% of adults and 17% of children took medication for ADHD for the ¦rst time increasing demand for Adderall, a medication used to treat ADHD, has led to shortages.

The FDA and DEA limit how much medication can be produced based on historical data, which has led to shortages based on demand and not disruptions in the supply

During lockdowns, dietary pattern changes included increases in snack frequency, a preference for sweet and ultraprocessed foods and an increase in alcohol consumption. Yet, the No. 1 dietary rule to reduce symptoms of ADHD is to stop sugar spikes 

A randomized, double-blind study showed saffron can reduce ADHD symptoms. Reports from social media suggest brown noise can help improve focus and productivity, which should be practiced with safe listening habits to lower the risk of hearing loss

Exercise can improve cognitive function and executive control. Dietary modifications can reduce symptoms, such as avoiding sugar and refined carbohydrates, promoting a healthy gut microbiome and avoiding food additives and genetically engineered ingredients

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola

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Voedingsmiddelen voor een gezonde lever

De lever verwerkt vrijwel alles wat u eet, drinkt, inademt of op uw huid wrijft. Het heeft meer dan 500 verschillende vitale functies. De lever filtert schadelijke toxines, weert infecties af en reguleert hormonen etc.

Slechte levensstijl en eetgewoonten zijn slecht voor de lever. Enkele van de meest voorkomende leveraandoeningen zijn cirrose, hepatitis, leverkanker, leververvetting, alcoholische leverziekte en medicatie toxiciteit. Leveraandoeningen leiden tot vele gezondheidsproblemen zoals obesitas en hartziekten.

Junk food vs gezonde voeding

Hoewel het immuunsysteem ons lichaam beschermt tegen vele gevaren, is het de lever die het immuunsysteem beschermt tegen overbelasting. Een gezonde levensstijl met lichaamsbeweging, geen alcoholgebruik, minder blootstelling aan giftige stoffen en het vermijden van bewerkte voedingsmiddelen bevorderen de lever. Daarnaast zijn er ook voedingsmiddelen die de lever ondersteunen:

1. Donkere bladgroenten zoals boerenkool, spinazie en boerenkool zitten boordevol waardevolle antioxidanten, flavonoïden, vitamine C en carotenoïden die essentieel zijn voor het behoud van een gezonde lever. Deze groenten kunnen  metalen, pesticiden en chemicaliën die aanwezig zijn in het voedsel neutraliseren, en hiermee ook de lever beschermen.

2. Broccoli. Kruisbloemige groenten zoals broccoli en spruitjes verminderen de vetopname en verhogen de lipide productie. Deze groenten verhogen ook de productie van spijsverteringsenzymen.

3. Bieten en wortelen bevatten zeer veel plantaardige-flavonoïden en beta-caroteen. Deze stoffen zijn goed voor de lever.

4. Bosbessen bevatten de hoogste hoeveelheden flavonoïden en anthocyanen,  beide krachtige anti-inflammatoire verbindingen.

5. Citrusvruchten zoals citroenen en grapefruit bevatten veel vitamine C en anti-oxidanten. Grapefruit helpt de lever kankerverwekkende en giftige stoffen te elimineren, terwijl citroenen de spijsvertering ondersteunt.

6. Knoflook heeft antibacteriële, antioxidatieve, antivirale en anti-schimmel eigenschappen die belangrijk zijn voor de lever. Knoflook remt ontstekingen en activeert enzymen, die toxines elimineren. Knoflook zit ook vol met allicine en selenium, die de lever reinigen.

7. Ananas bevat anti-inflammatoire spijsverteringsenzymen die het voedselmetabolisme versnellen. De vrucht is rijk aan magnesium, vitamine C, vitamine B1 en kalium.

8. Kurkuma is rijk aan curcuminoïden. Curcuminoïden verlichten ontstekingen en geven de nieren, de lever en de gal productie een boost om de spijsvertering te verbeteren. Het bevordert ook de vet stofwisseling en is een natuurlijke lever detox.

9. Groene thee heeft antioxidatieve eigenschappen. Het voorkomt vet opstapeling in het lichaam. Groene thee bevat catechines, die de leverfuncties verbeteren.

10. Olijfolie. Koudgeperste biologische  oliën zoals olijfolie, hennep- en lijnzaadolie zijn, bij gebruik met mate, geweldig voor de lever. Dankzij de lipide basis kunnen ze schadelijke toxines in het lichaam absorberen en hiermee de lever ontlasten.

11. Appels zijn rijk aan pectine en bevatten chemische bestanddelen die nodig zijn om het lichaam te reinigen en gifstoffen uit het spijsverteringskanaal te verwijderen. Daardoor kan de lever makkelijker de resterende giftstoffen elimineren.

12. Avocado's stimuleren de productie van glutathion, een ​​essentiële antioxidant die de lever helpt potentieel schadelijke stoffen te filteren.

13. Walnoten bevatten veel glutathion en omega-3 vetzuren (nuttig voor het reinigingsproces).

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Finally; Amalgam warnings

September 24, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released its long-overdue safety communication on amalgam

The FDA warns mercury fillings may adversely affect people in certain high-risk groups and should be avoided

Groups identified as being at increased risk for harmful effects from dental mercury fillings include pregnant women and their developing fetuses, nursing women, women who are planning to become pregnant, infants and children under the age of 6, people with neurological diseases, impaired kidney function or heightened sensitivity to mercury or other amalgam components 

After years of pressure from Consumers for Dental Choice and its allies, the FDA finally agreed to reopen the amalgam issue, and now admits dental amalgam releases mercury vapor that can cause health problems in some individuals

The FDA also advised against use of the misleading term “silver fillings, ” and urges patients to discuss all dental filling options with their dentist

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola


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Autopsies prove vaccine dangers

When the COVID shots were first introduced, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made several claims about them that have since been proven completely false, including the claim that the mRNA would remain in the injection site, and that both the mRNA and resulting spike protein would rapidly be eliminated from your body

The mRNA goes everywhere and can remain intact for a month of more. Ditto for the spike protein your cells produce

Spike protein has been found in the brains of people with encephalitis (brain inflammation) and in jab-induced shingles lesions. Both mRNA and spike protein have been found in lymph nodes more than 60 days post-jab. Full-length mRNA has also been shown to circulate in people’s blood for up to 28 days post-injection, and it’s been detected in breastmilk

Research shows the primary difference between those who developed symptoms of myocarditis and those who didn’t was that symptomatic patients had markedly elevated levels of full-length spike protein unbound by antibodies in their plasma. Those who remained asymptomatic had no free spike protein in their blood. This would suggest that free-floating spike protein is a problem

Autopsies of two teenage boys found dead in their beds three and four days after their second dose of Pfizer concluded jab-induced heart damage was to blame. The myocarditis described in these instances did not have the typical histopathology of myocarditis. Instead, both cases resemble catecholamine-induced injury, similar to the cytokine storm experienced in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola

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Friday, February 24, 2023

Fish oil products synthetic?

A chemical process leaves many fish oil supplements lacking in actual EPA and DHAomega-3s

Trans-esterification transforms most fish oil into a synthetic product that’s far removed from the natural fish oil you’d get when eating sardines or other fatty fish

A class-action lawsuit ¦led against The Bountiful Company and its subsidiary Nature’s Bounty alleges consumers are being misled, as the supplements contain “not a single milligram” of the omega-3 fats found in fish

In fish, DHA and EPA occur in the form of triglycerides, which are the most bioavailable; in most fish oil supplements, the omega-3 fats are in ethyl ester form

Ideally, consume omega-3 fats by eating fatty, cold-water fish such as wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel and herring; if you choose to use a supplement, krill oil provides a superior alternative to fish oil

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola

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Ultraprocessed foods are deadly

In the most comprehensive assessment to date, ultraprocessed foods were associated with an increased risk of developing and dying from cancer

Consuming more ultraprocessed foods was linked with a greater risk of developing any cancer, as well as ovarian and brain cancers specifically

Consumption of ultraprocessed food was also associated with an increased risk of dying from cancer, including ovarian and breast cancers 

Each 10% increase in ultraprocessed food consumption was associated with a 6% increase in risk of cancer mortality overall, along with a 16% increase in risk of breast cancer mortality and 30% for ovarian cancer mortality

The health risks of ultraprocessed foods are concerning enough that one researcher called for warning labels to be added to their packaging so consumers can make informed dietary decisions

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola

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Thursday, February 23, 2023

A fake world

Documentary filmmaker and BBC journalist Adam Curtis has developed a cult following for his eccentric films that combine BBC archival footage into artistic montages combined with dark narratives; his latest film, HyperNormalisation, came out in 2016

HyperNormalisation tells the story of how politicians, financiers and “technological utopians” constructed a fake world over the last four decades in an attempt to maintain power and control

Their fake world is simpler than the real world by design, and as a result people went along with it because the simplicity was reassuring

The film takes viewers on a timeline of recent history that appears as though you’re seeing bits and pieces of a scrapbook, but which ultimately support the larger message that the world is being controlled by a powerful few while the rest of us are willing puppets in the play

Read the full analysis by Dr. Mercola


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